Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

Going by the two last times we met them there, I’ve no doubts about that:

|08 Apr 2017|Stoke City v Liverpool|W|1-2|Premier League|

|29 Nov 2017|Stoke City v Liverpool|W|0-3|Premier League|



I think that’s incredibly harsh. Don’t forget it was exclusively the team that Rodgers left that Klopp took to a Europa League Final. In his first full season Klopp only really added Mane, Wijnaldum and Matip to the team to secure CL football. I don’t think even Klopp is getting much of a tune out of Charlie Adam, Stewie Downing and Andy Carroll.

The biggest difference between Rodgers and Klopp, is that the latter was a classic British Manager Autocrat, whereas Klopp is someone who values others and will work within a system. That system was more or less already in place (the maligned transfer committee) when Klopp arrived. At the start of Rodgers tenure there wasn’t much of a scouting network in place.

This isn’t to lessen the task that Klopp had ahead of him, but I do think it’s a stretch to say the club was in a worse shape when Rodgers left to when he arrived.



Ignoring the squad he left behind tithe one he inherited, Rodgers left a poisonous culture st the club that still stings today.

When kenny left we felt bad for an idol ( who did land silverware btw) but we understood… we hated it, but we understood, when Roy left we were in unison wanting his departure, he bonded us, when Rafa left it was the end of an era…

When Rodgers left, we had sold out our ideals as a club, we were warring internally but displaying it externally… he came about as close to tanking as you can get without it being a club policy.

We were divided like at no other time

The social media phenom probably made it a perfect storm, but still

Rodgers was as far away from what I personally related to this club being about as is possible.

I personally think klopp would have had an ‘easier’ time taking over Kenny’s liverpool than Rodgers liverpool, which is what we are getting at…


100% agree. In nearly every respect the club was better positioned. The main stand was being built, the scouting set up was leagues better, we had greater expertise behind the scenes, had brought in good coaches into the academy etc. The only issue that was really hindering progress was replaced by Klopp.

The only disadvantage between the two beginnings is that Rodgers inherited one of the top 3 players in the world at the time, whereas Klopp inherited a squad without any equivalent quality desperately looking for cohesion and direction.


Nail on the head, @redbj. :+1:t2:


Rodgers self-importance, preening and bull-shitting was threatening everything that LFC stood for…
Being, It is the club and team that matters most…!
A further year of his disjointed football tactics and we may have ended up in a relegation fight…!


Being replaced by Klopp is my favourite memory of Rodgers.


I remember reading somewhere a woman had said he resembled James Bond…
Must have went to his head… From there on in Mr Rodgers became Mr Suave… :joy:
Soooo Deluded in all his interviews…

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The woman was called Brenda Rodgers,seems dodgy that.


The question isn’t around Rodgers competence. Klopp is obviously a much, much better manager than Rodgers

The question is who inherited a worse club set up. I completely agree with @kopstar - everything that needs to function around a manager was ready for Klopp.

Getting in a world class manager was the last bit of the puzzle.


We keep bringing up the ‘limited’ time we have with Klopp in charge and these injuries + the covid situation and football without fans etc is somewhat making me sad that why during this period of all? This is probably us at our strongest position with the best manager in the world and world class players now joining us as destination rather than considering as step up, and we are missing arguably one of the top 5 players in the world for such a long lay off.

He’ll manage through this nonetheless but it could definitely have become easier for him now, rather than this tough. A complete fit squad to choose from, what a dream line up that would have been! The wait to that happen again is so long!

On that note, fck you again Everton.

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This showed up on my YouTube recommendations.


I agree except for the bolded part. I don’t think it was him being a world class manager that made the difference, but that he saw the value in using other peoples expertise rather than trying to do everything his own way


Our big boss hasn’t completely convinced everyone in our family. Just before our 19 year-old Man United supporting son left home this week, knowing he was leaving anyway and had nothing to lose, came up with a glorious idea.
The perfect scenario for him of how things could go so badly for Klopp that he’d get the sack. He thought bottom half finish???!!!

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It is amazing how much office work, I mean how many of these fan mails, that Klopp responds to in person. I assume that there is a filtering and that the club has someone that filters the ordinary fan letters from the more unusual ones, but it is hard not to notice how much Klopp gives of himself unto others.
Perhaps strange wording, I am not comparing him to Odin or Jesus, but he is very nice man. There can be no doubt about that.




Maybe Buvac should’ve just kept quite,shown a bit of dignity,nope,just sounds like a jealous whinging ex who you’ve just dumped.