Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

And she has to sit and watch while your new GF wins Liverpool’s first Miss UK award in 30 years.


Ljinders gives Klopp the happy endings Buvac couldn’t.


A line has been crossed when even I am thinking the above is too much.


This moaning ex was the one who walked out on Jurgen and the Red family, 2 days before an important Champions League match in Rome and still moans.
Buvac is miserable old git, because he made a mistake!


You tell him!!!

Hear hear!!!



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There’s only one manager capable of doing this.


…in any sport.


Stacking those yellow cards up,the lack of crowd noise doesn’t help Klopp get away with all his swearing,it’s rather funny tho.


I’ll wait for @Scott.Jones to be the arbitrator of moral decency


You’ll be waiting a fucking long time.


But honestly, it would be pretty weird and disappointing if the rest of our team (after 5 years of Klopp) looked crap without Virgil, no matter how good he is. We should still be a damn good side.

So far, so good. A few tight results, a few good results. Performances will hopefully improve with more understanding between new partnerships at the back and more players getting back fit.

This might still be the difference at the end of the day, like with City last season. They were in a similar situation after the summer of 2019. We’ll see (also what/if something happens in January).


Time to cash in on Virgil…:scream::scream::scream:


This was very similar to my view on VVD’s injury. We had been hopeless defensively even with him in the team but the issues were tactical rather than down to any individual. As long as we get the set up right, don’t play too high, we should be OK at the back against the majority of teams. Nat Phillips and Rhys Williams have both done a decent job and have been well protected. I think Alisson is more critical to the team on a game by game basis than Virgil.

We’ll miss Virgil in games like the one against City on Sunday. His extra quality would really help us there. Again though it’s just about getting things right tactically and making allowances for the fact you no longer have a jet-heeled colossus bossing everything at the back.

Our response to the Villa thrashing and VVD’s injury has been superb. This is where managers really earn their money because the season could have gone off the rails but if anything it seems to have sharpened our focus and energised us.


He’d fail the medical.


So I guess we are just stuck with him then

Fucking Edwards and his fucking long term contracts…


I guess I always thought this deep down but really just came to the fore when I was driving home today…Klopp is, indisputably, the best manager in the world and has been for quite some time. I mean, Guardiola is class, Pochettino is excellent (hope he doesn’t replace LOLe), Mourinho and Ancelotti have both won lots and there are a number of great managers in world football, but as far as I’m aware no one since Ferguson, really, has accomplished turning a mid-table side into a powerhouse good enough for winning the Premier League and consistently challenge for honours domestically and in the Champions League. You could argue Mourinho was impressive taking Chelsea to the next level, but they had finished 3rd and 4th the two years prior and bought a ton with the oil money that summer…Klopp started out with an XI that included Mignolet, Moreno, Skrtel, Lovren, and Benteke, turned two good-yet-inconsistent players in Salah and Mane into world-beaters, took Fabinho and Virgil to the next levels, developed Wijnaldum and Henderson, and still kept the old heads like Milner and Lallana front-and-center in terms of being able to offer their experience. Oh, and he basically took 2 fullbacks out of nowhere (I know Trent was lauded by Stevie as the next Academy standout ready to make the jump, but he was hardly a known commodity), figured out how to integrate them into a system that gets the best of its players, and have them both be among the best in the world in their positions, if not the best. And that’s not even mentioning Alisson, also one of the best (if not the best) in his position in the world. Fucking remarkable.

Random Tidbit: The last time the 4th of the month was on a Wednesday, it was March, and I was in the lowest point of my anxiety about null-and-void…started to feel better but really hit rock bottom on 3/4. Didn’t think it would absolutely be voided per se but I was pretty convinced the season was going to be suspended and I didn’t see how it would be resolved in any equitable way that would be unanimously supported. Funny thing was I think I picked up on it a couple weeks before the masses so in some ways I was more prepared when it did actually happen. That said, if you’d said in the next 8 months we’d not only win the League but do so on the pitch and not in a press release by default I’d have snapped your hand off for it. Thankfully I didn’t snap any hands and it still happened anyway. And it’s looking good that the Orange Fuckface is going to lose. (To the rest of the world, we’re sorry, he absolutely doesn’t represent most of us.) :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Back to Klopp — not only is he the world’s best football coach, he’s just a plain good guy (I’m not saying he’s perfect, but Buvac’s interview seems to run counter to how most at LFC past and present speak of him in the highest regard…even the guy whose job he took!).