Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend




Love it!

Every detail is important.


Never knew his line “We won’t be defending the title, we would be attacking it” was supposed to be in literal terms!


It is good that there is an international break because if he had a presser today he would be fuming.

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Us attacking the PL title right now


Given our luck, that head would result in few goals disallowed by VAR for offside as well, in case we have him play for us.


Here is the full article (non-paywall). The quotes are taken from a documentary ‘The End of the Storm’ about last season’s title win which sounds like it’s going to be pretty damn good.


Looking forward to this.


Tearing through Believe Us by Melissa Reddy. Great read, and there’s a section about the whole Klopp-Buvac thing. I took the latter’s initial claims about the breakdown in relations with a grain of salt, and at least from the author’s perspective it seems that the split was more down to Buvac’s antagonistic personality clashing with a number of players/staff rather than just Klopp freezing him out to promote Lijnders as Buvac had suggested. I’m not saying anyone is perfect, but given how seemingly everyone other than Buvac speaks about Klopp, it was hard for me to imagine that it was Jurgen who caused the rift. :man_shrugging:t2:


Is it worth buying? There are so many books out now, about Liverpool last season, due to the historic win after 30 years


A true classic lol


In my book (no pun intended), yes absolutely. I know what you mean about there being a lot of books about our title, and I bought most of them, but this is objectively one of the more in-depth ones in terms of gaining new perspectives rather than just recycling “here’s what happened in this game, etc.”. Lots of quotes from players/staff/the like.


Okay, I will give it go, thanks for your perspective. :+1: :blush:


This man is an absolute treasure. He’s five times the football manager I thought he was and 10 times the human I thought he was. In a time where we have so much hate in the world, he’s a great reminder that there are still good people out there. And, he’s our manager!


World Quote of the Year, 2020 (we have to have something good to celebrate this year):

(Quick honorable mention to “null and void”…gone but not forgotten.)

“I think your dad must have been on our side during the war, because you seem like a Scouser to me.” - Sir Kenneth Mathieson Dalglish to Jurgen Norbert Klopp, June 25


Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp says he is not interested in the Germany job if current boss Joachim Low is sacked following the 6-0 defeat by Spain last week. (Sunday Mirror)

Is it April?

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It’s the April Fool journo question that gets asked the whole year round. I’m amazed at Jürgen’s calm way of batting it back each time. I personally feel it’s an insult for a club coach of his status to be brought into consideration for a coaching job that requires way less quality.


Yes, although Im sure he takes that job at some point later in his career. Just not anytime soon. He is always calm though and easily the smartest manager when dealing with the press. I just really do loathe the idea that he will leave us one day, and hope he gets so comfortable he stays here til 2030/35 or something. Will leave a huge hole. Dont really think he is a Barca or Real manager type so I do wonder where else he would go. If we can get Mbappe to come here, then the prospect of Jurgen remaining for a long time increases.


I can’t see Klopp working in a frontline football role beyond his 60th birthday in 6½ years time. If we’re very lucky, he’ll still be with us when he retires at that point.
There’s a really strong history of the best German managers swerving the national team job, btw.
That’s why second rate coaches like Derwall, Beckenbauer, and Löw have won stuff while Weisweiler, Lattek, Hitzfeld, Heynckes and Klopp fulfill their greater potential elsewhere.

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