Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend


Klopp out?

Ofcourse, his record in some initial x games was similar to Rodgers. There’s no changing that!


Klopp out and Ole in?

They have similar starting stats.
We`d be silly to miss out on such a Top Manager :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


He has enough gravitas to fight not just for his players and club, but for all players and clubs. He is not afraid of the broadcasters. He is using his platform and standing in the game for the good of the game.

Couldn’t be prouder that he’s our manager.


I have a feeling that outburst was caused by an article in a newspaper today by Wilder who called Klopp selfish and the top 6 who only look after their club. I was really surprised by Wilder I thought he was a more decent guy than that?


Once again the gulf between a master such as Klopp and a pretender like Rodgers was laid bare for everyone to see. It doesn’t matter who’s available, he’ll find solutions and he’ll have the team playing his way.

And then he goes all in on those Sky and BT pricks just to illustrate that no matter how much you appreciate and think the world of him it is not enough.

Enjoy his time at Liverpool while it lasts. Future generations will look at us with envy just like we do with those who witnessed the times of Shankly and Paisley.


I know you meant future generations of Reds will envy us, but the current generation of pundits/ fans of other clubs envy us for having Klopp though too. They retreat into tribalism when it comes to the quality of the team: Patrice Evra saying yesterday we have to win three premierships in a row to go from being a good team to a great one, being the latest example.
The path we’ve taken is heading that way because we’re already at the ‘great’ level

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Klopp looking seriously angry about the fixture situation. Hopefully someone will listen to what he says, but the odds are that, as always in this kind of situations, neither the FA, the PL nor the media reps will listen. As long as the money keeps flowing in, they won’t concern themselves with the health of the players, nor with anything else Klopp could have to say.

Money over everything else is the name of the global dictatorship we live in.

On the other hand, Klopp and the players profit a lot from the situation. The wages they are on is insane as we all know and can’t be compared with the wages of the likes of Souness, Dalglish or Rush at the time. So, the fact to have one’s health sacrificed for money probably comes with the territory…

The media’s answer to what Klopp says would probably be along the lines of ‘You want a less charged schedule? Accept a big cut in your wages then.’


What makes me laugh is that these pundits spout these bizarre statements for pure sensation…!
Evra… “Have to win three premiership titles to make us great…”
WTF is he smoking…! We already great.!! None, and that is none of the present day pundits in their tenure will have seen a team as good as the one Jurgen is assembling… Everything about the way he is doing it has been good for the game in general… How many young pretenders are out there watching and studying his methods. It galls these pundits that they are witnessing this evolution before their very eyes… whilst their own favourites have stood still or even regressed.
It is a daily occurrence now… A supposedly, ‘one of our own’ Carragher, is constantly pontificating on social media or his newspaper columns, his aggressive, down your throat opinions portraying beliefs so strong that they must be true eh… Yet many of his statements contain veiled criticism of Jurgen, his transfer policies, his tactics… etc etc
Unfortunately… if you follow LFC, the poor calibre of punditry will be in attendance… Whether it be from the Neville Brothers, Carragher, Murphy, Evra, Guillet, Nichol, Mills, Cole, Jenas, Hoddle… and many many more, yet it raises the question… What have any of them ever won as Managers!


That is what pressure does to managers. If he was in 9th place you would not hear him now he is in the last place…


United player nuff 'said.


Evra will always represent our true enemy; an awful character truth be known. Mancs turning bitter is a sure sign of our greatness and their envy.


…and he’s French,pissiness comes so natural to them.


Since I saw it, Evra always reminds me of his filthy raw chicken video. Probably one of the worst i have seen but amazed why no one talks about it, it’s always about the Suarez incident due to the Liverpool connection isn’t it?

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I had never seen or heard of that until a moment ago, and had to pull away from its creepiness.

There it is I knew it, Darwinians now prove evolution is real!?


Apologies as that cannot be unseen. :face_vomiting:

To be honest, I have a confession to make. I hope Milner makes a spoof video mocking Evra. I think it will break the internet :rofl:


By his own guidelines then… He is only a Good chicken arse licker at the moment. To be a Great chicken arse licker… he would have to arrange an orgy in the poultry aisle in Tesco…! :tongue:


For those not up to speed with the weird habits of that expert pundit Patrice Evra…
Take a look for yourself

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