LFC Sporting Director thread

I’m not going to bury the man before he has a chance, but I have yet to read one thing about him that makes me think he’d be a good hire here. Even the suggestion that he tends to find value on the market hasn’t been backed up with any prominent examples, from what I’ve read thus far.

His Wikipedia covers his career more, he was at one club for a very long time and it’s only come from one set of journalists.

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Don’t hang about in that part! I use Twitter for scientific and academic stuff and it is excellent (albeit less so now that Musk has stunk up the algorithm to recommend his shite) for keeping up with new papers and providing context and nuance to public current developments.



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Tell him to fuck off. Part time advice?

Maybe he helps to get some Bundesliga deals over the line this summer?

I’m underwhelmed by the name, but if it is within certain parameters, it might help us.

Trying to keep an open mind.

So who do we want as SD?

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I’m really not against Jörg Schmadtke coming in depending on his duties. Klopp mentioned before that he couldn’t do everything… handle the agents, sort of contracts, handle the negotiations.

If he is part of a committee, and the committee as a whole is better and more balanced, then this would be a good appointment.

He comes across in the articles as a bit of a personality and hard to deal with… perhaps that is what we need in negotiations rather than nice guys.

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Whatever his role becomes, he would at least be another pair of eyes and ears out there in the footballing world, hopefully for the benefit of LFC

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No one knows because none of us really understand the dynamic of the role. Couple of years ago Monchi was hot property but he failed when he left Sevilla. Paul Mitchell suddenly became everyone’s favourite a few months ago. Now this guy is either the squad builder supreme or will get into a fist fight with Klopp after 3 days.

All I know is Michael Edwards was very good, while Ward seemed a little too preoccupied with the Portuguese market/players/style.

Wait and see, it takes a long time to see the effect of a SD.


If the guys retired and we need an extra pair of hands for a short period this makes sense.

I see what you did there… Because he used to be a goalkeeper… Yes! :0)

Actually I didn’t but I’ll claim I did :wink:

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Strange. Very strange.

Don’t think Jörg Schmadtke has achieved enough to deserve a job at an international club - let alone one of the biggest in the world.

Wonder if his english is actually good enough.

Klopp and Schmadtke never worked together - probably not even true that they are pals.

Trying to see the positive side:
In most Clubs the SD is positioned above the coach / help picking and appointing coaches etc.

Here we have the situation that Klopp has handpicked a SD. Things are being build around Jürgen. Situation give surely gives him more power. One could say Schmadtke was brought in to do some ‘dirty’ work while Klopp is the actual SD.

Bit of a fun fact:
We are being linked with Ron-Robert Zieler as a third or second choice goalkeeper. 13 years ago Zieler was signed from ManU to Hannover by Schmadtke. Coincidence?

Here we have a situation in which two journalists who have no connection to Liverpool have written a story in a paper which again has no apparent link to the club. The same paper which has already made similar claims about one or two other people for the same role, in the same season.

As far as I am aware this claim has not been supported by any other journalist has it, particularly our more reliable ones?


What I’ve read is he’s coming in as a temporary fix until our target is available, he’ll do all the negociations alongside the current set up.

We don’t know what he is doing or if he is coming in or not.

Makes some sense if Ward is walking and we haven’t come to any arrangement on a new person to take over.

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Well, it doesn’t. Even in general understanding of SD responsibilities - it is at least lead negotiations regarding transfers. How it is supposed to be working?
"Hi, I am Jorg - an interim consultant at Liverpool FC. I am calling you about - wait a minute, I'll double check - Jude Bellingham, yes. Can you please let me know when he will be available for a short call?"

I’m glad we are getting leaked discussions from a bloke we don’t know we are even employing.

Totally serious discussions.

External consultant? If Liverpool ever needed one, TAN has hundreds here… It’s as external as they can get. Why pay so much for someone else.

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