Liverpool Season: 2021-22

No idea which players will be available and who isn’t but from Sunday (boxing day) on we play three matches within six days against Leeds (H), Leicester (A) and Chelsea (A). The referees are Oliver VAR Darran England, Marriner VAR Stuart Attwell and Anthony Taylor VAR Tierney :cold_face:

It would take a miracle to get true these three fixtures unscratched.

Taylor and Tierney will attempt to destroy us for sure. They always do, without fail. And it’s against Chelsea, thus a big game considering the respective league standings.

Oliver and Marriner are mixed bags for us though, you never know… and it’s against opponents we should beat. If we have a team available to play them, that is.


I have no idea about any characteristics of any of those refs.

I just don’t believe in any ref having something against Liverpool.

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I don’t expect Tierney to be on that after yesterday.


@jaffod Educate this man, please.

Can we not boycott him…any mention of him…take it to PGMOL…mind they’re a bunch of dip shits aswell…so we’re on our own…and Tardelli stirring the shit…Definitely an FIO…f*****ing interference officer…

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I agree.

I don’t buy this anti-liverpool idea, I just think every ref is as useful as tits on a bull

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Then it’d be roughly even across the board. But trust me, in this country, people from Merseyside are not liked by many.


Even if there was something suspicious, I’m just too lazy to analyze refs, remember names, create some conspiracy theories, etc. Somehow I think every club/set of fans have their own. It’s always “us” who are damned/cursed/whatever. I don’t see it as that dramatic, it’s just that everyone focuses only on themselves (and that’s understandable). There is shit happening at other places, too. Sure, I see when there are mistakes (and that of course doesn’t mean the same for everyone) or massive unfortune (when you just can’t put the blame on anyone really), but I focus more on our performance, etc. It’s not a good time when we speak about rules and consistency, that’s for sure. I don’t expect 10 referees to have the same exact robotic opinion (like that challenge on Jota, I don’t mind if not all refs would decide the same, but that Kane incident is terrible from the same VAR staff on the day), but surely a bit more clarity and quality is needed right now.

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It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy theory, it just has to be an unconscious bias. Not sure why this has to be so polarizing as to be ‘conspiracy’ or nothing. There is a middle ground and if you’re too lazy to look into it then you’re not going to find anything now are you? A quick example is that table posted by @Kopstar in the referee thread. Tierney has reffed us more than anybody in the league in a certain time frame, we have Salah and Mane who are constantly running into the box as well as Firmino and Jota. We are consistently one on of the most attacking teams around with generally more touches in the box than most teams and we got zero penalties?? It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy but being a shit referee isn’t explaining such a large sample size either. He’s going into a game biased against us, unconsciously or not.


I watch all our games and believe to have good memory. The stat sounds more terrible than I can remember, I don’t remember a lot of stonewall penalties not given to us. Especially by a certain ref. We’ve won 10 or 16 games under him, so that’s good! And if the referee is generally not good enough (I have no idea, I look at mistakes of course, but not at names), of course he needs to be replaced.

During a period when we are one of the best sides of the planet and win the vast majority of our games? Actually it isn’t that good at all.

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Okay, so what’s next, we look back at 16 games to analyze his decisions and how much it affected our results in the 6 games we haven’t won? Or what else was there in the other games we’ve won. 16 games isn’t actually too much, so someone can do it.


Does the unconscious bias against people from Merseyside extend to players from Liverpool at other clubs? Does Everton receive similar treatment to us?

Actually, yes. Tierney’s pretty card happy against the bitters too.

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Well for one I don’t think the problems are just this ref, the guy who was on VAR has been problematic for us too, but yeah think Tomkins is working on a big project that pulls data from over 5 years. But yeah a team winning or losing doesn’t indicate whether they had a ref with bias for the game. The team could still be good enough to win. We still nearly beat Spurs.

Tierney reffed the Everton game and did a good job in my opinion. He booked 2 of theirs for diving which takes some bottle in that atmosphere. There are always a lot of cards handed out in that game so no complaints from me there, but if JK has a problem with him then we all should. Tierney knows full well that JK doesn’t like him so he wouldn’t be human if that didn’t affect his judgement. I think it showed less in the non-sending off of Kane (which is the VAR’s fault) but more in the no pen for Jota and in the late booking for Keita for dissent when no Spurs player had been cautioned after they surrounded him following our second goal.

Sunday was a clusterfuck by the officials but until then we’d done OK out of VAR this season (last season we were treated appallingly). My view is right in line with Keith Hackett (old ref) who said that Michael Oliver is the only good ref and that Mike Riley should be sacked. The standard of officiating in this country is terrible. It makes games a lottery and leads to fans of just about every club believing there is some bias against them.


We are likely to have Fabinho, Thiago, and Curtis back for the Leicester game. Keita and Ox are in good form and Milner and Henderson is back as well. Nice little conundrum for Klopp. :heart_eyes: :star_struck:


Not sure about Thiago but Virgil was in training today.

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