Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...) (Part 1)

I am not sure why this is even considered a scandal now. They were doing what absolutely everyone knew they were doing all along, for over a decade.


It seems absurd to me that they have not cooperated for the last few years.

It should have been, unless you provide the information it’s an automatic 15 point deduction. That deduction will occur every year until you do.


Since all the clubs are stealing our chants I hope we join all the other clubs in stealing this one from the United fans and City gets to hear it in all their away games.

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From the same cunts who sing about us being murderers. No thanks , we can do better than that.


Maybe they knew the game was up?

and just thought fuck it…

why cooperate and give them more ammo,

and us a bigger shovel to dig the hole we find ourselves even bigger

They maintain that they have been co-operating though. Not to do so is a charge in itself.

Yeah, if anything, this shows how unwilling the PL have been (and probably still are) to really throw the book at Abu Dhabi.

Another aspect is the politics: the UK is heavily dependent on Emirati oil and Qatar gas. The UK government will make sure that their Abu Dhabi pals won’t be hurt too much if the PL by any chance had the balls to become serious about that. Ergo: they’ll probably get a nominal fine and be asked to play by the rules from now on.

Anyhow, as long as there isn’t a fine pronounced, this is merely an annoying sideshow. And it could be a long time before that ‘independent commission’ comes to a conclusion . They’ll possibly probably draw it out until the end of times.

(Who are they btw, any information about who will be in that commission?)

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Pep u ok Hun?


I can understand that things like that take time but imo it should not take longer than July.

Heavy fine (won’t hurt them anyway), Point deduction for next season and transfer ban. Don’t allow them to buy new players for next season.

Back in the 90s the baseball players hitting record breaking numbers of home runs all claimed they were innocent as they’d never failed a drug test. The MLB players union prevented the players being asked to take any tests so it was a bullshit argument.

Jordan was simply pointing out that Sinclair was using the same logic…saying they couldnt be guilty because there rules and they hadnt been found guilty is a stupid argument given what was already int he public domain about their practices for getting around those rules.


Anything short of fines that start with a B and relegation down 2-3 tiers and removal of titles/cups is a failure to the sports and it’s fans.


They have to choose (how?) three people , one of which must be a financial expert.

Great, that fills me with a lot of confidence that they will be above any temptation of being corrupted. :see_no_evil:

Who just happens to be the personal accountant of the Emir of Abu Dhabi

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To be fair…

For a good few years there I was screenshotting Caf like a deranged madman.

I miss those days…

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Ive had the displeasure to talk to Jordan at gala event and in-between his media personna you can pick up that he does have insights into aspects not widly known.

I dont know if Im the only one who picked up on it, but there was a period a while back, probably shortly after leaving Palace when he started speaking out more, where he seemed to have a very anti-liverpool slant to a lot of his takes. The sort that people say without thinkging through…Rafa needs to learn this is the prem and you cannot do zonal marking here shit. Increasingly though over the past 3-4 years he seems to have dropped that and more often than not he argues from the same side most of us would.


I like how they say “the monies”. It reminds me of this….

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Love some of the replies