Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...) (Part 1)

And then everyone applauded.

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Apologies if this has been discussed and additionally if I am being stupid.
I see the 30 charges relating to not assisting the PL investigation as refusal to provide information when requested.
So are these charges solely brought because they failed to assist in the PL investigation? And/Or because they have failed to supply accounts after this period, therefore, not allowing the PL a chance to scrutinise them?

Hopefully they finally face some real actual consequences instead of a petty fine.

As with Mancini being paid with corrupt/illegal payments,i take it many,many players were and some maybe still are being paid in the same way.Are there charges that could be levelled at any players for accepting payments in this way,simply because they knew it was circumventing the rules?


Re; those who wouldnt celebrate the league being correctly awarded to us…i would, id buy the souvenir Tshirt and all, and then id beg and beg for someone on the KOP to do something with the words…Gerrard and Man City letting the title Slip.

Re; the Fall out, maybe the clubs that missed out on CL have a legitimate angle…but what about the big one…betting Agencies…imagine all those bets, admittedly without a rampant City the Odds should be lowered…but imagine a four leg Multi and the only leg you missed out on was spurs getting fourth or something…


mind you, the betting agencies could probably bat that one away on the grounds that spurs would have found another way not to qualify.

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Wouldn’t it be a sad bastard thing to keep losing dockets this long??!!

assuming you could access you history of bets if you held an account.

failing that im sure sportsbet would take you on your word.

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Is one of the replies the rest of the post…

And then me and me son saw Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.


Do you know the worst thing about Bluemoon.

Every page on their forum is only 10 posts !!! It’s like they are trying to artificially inflate the number of posters.

Can’t compare to TAN as we use the more more modern approach :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but a forum like Rawk has about 40 posts per page.


Agree that there are too few posts per page on Bluemoon, but man do I miss pages. I used to read threads on TIA, old ones and every single post as well in some threads. I never ever do that anymore. It doesn’t work without pages. So never do I go back to read old threads, only ever reading something once at most (usually I just scroll down since it’s a mess to navigate). It’s as if everything that is posted here just disappears in a vacuum :frowning:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Blueloon are up to 750 pages on this now with most of it seemingly being strategies for their owners to destroy the PL and sue everybody in sight when they are exonerated. There is even a discussion over a few pages about whether or not the fans will be able to sue the EPL for emotional distress caused by their blatant lies. They have a similar collective mindset as Trump supporters.


That joint has been delusional for so long…only way out is to triple down…


That chump who whipped them into a frenzy about ‘The Shitstorm’ is still being cited as a credible ITK too :rofl:

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FFS, they really are like Q Anon nutters.

I can’t stop thinking about the sandwich, what a waste.


There was a very deliberate attempt to ‘recruit’ to QAnon conducted by 4chan posters. They would storm normal forums and message boards, slowly building up rhetoric to and ‘pill’ normal users of the message board. You can find threads of them reporting success and sharing tactics for it on 4chan.

Having seen the progression of rhetoric on bluemoon, I’m pretty sure it was a site that was infiltrated.