Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...) (Part 1)

See if Real are interested in purchasing it?


That looks like an Andy Scott sculpture. I’m guessing they don’t come cheap.

not sure if anyone saw this bellend on a programme called Saturday Social this morning. He was litrally saying City have done nothing wrong. In total denial.

this is a clip to something he was on with Carra not this mornings show where he made a tit of himself

“And those players, individually weren’t guilty of anything…”

Serious Eyes GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨

I’ve seen Liverpool fans on another forum saying you can’t take away the fact that city are a fantastic team :nauseated_face: ,apart from the fact it’s all part of a corrupt organisation.
Is it really surprising that city fans are so deluded.

Is it the media to blame,sheer stupidity on the part of fans or an excellent example of sportswashing working.

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He will be the PSG manager next season, to cement his tainted legacy.

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His legacy of failing to win the CL despite financial cheating? :thinking:


We were in his head even before we got good. That season they recorded the documentary and he was pacing around the dressing roon at Goodison Park worrying about Salah and Mane - we were nowhere near then that season - then we knocked them out if the CL.

I speculated he is an idiot earlier. I’m still tempted by it. That all he knows is football and outside of that he doesn’t know anything at all. Then again maybe I’m allowing him the Joe Rogan excuse of “I’m just a helpful moron who believes anything anyone tells me”. He’s either an idiot or a cynical politician of the highest order - I just can’t tell which yet…

I do remember him coming out publically in support of Catalunyan independance but then refusing to take a stance of Taiwanese independence when some of City’s income was linked to Chinese investment. That hypocrisy never sat well with me.


It’s a bit like cheating on FIFA and putting all the highest rated players together. Yes, it is a fantastic team, but there is a reason for that.


I think you’ve answered your question right here. His morals have a monetary limit. His club, and therefore his wage comes first.

He’s taking money on the side from City. Guaranteed. Just like nearly all of their top players are.


Do you remember when Barcelona passed on a shirt sponsorship in favour of UNICEF? The world rejoiced, there were gushing articles everywhere you looked, but almost every major presence in that team/set-up has showed himself to be a fucking shill at best.

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I think he liked the yellow ribbon, and the notion that he was edgy and political with his stance.
“Strong views, weakly held” springs to mind

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I must be a bit slow, cos all I’m seeing is the Pep press conference.

lol … it was there , but it’s gone now. :face_with_monocle:

Pep Guardiola’s ‘defiant’ press conference explained by Melissa Reddy | ‘Absolutely extraordinary’ | Video | Watch TV Show | Sky Sports
around 2m30s

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If I ever needed an example of a hypocrite I’d point at Pep.

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It was in the final 20 seconds of Reddy’s report as linked by @GermanRed

It’s a link to a video posted by Sky Sports on Facebook and I have the feeling that some posters are not able to see them in here.