Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...) (Part 1)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Guardiola is a weapons grade troll and Liverpool is a spark that ignites him time and time again. I wish we got luckier with injuries in 2020/21 and with refereeing decisions in 2018/19 and 2021/22 - we’d have likely seen him go nuclear at some point.


All it needs is a good reporter/journilist to keep poking and Pep will bite,

unfortunately i dont think Mellisa Reddy is that reporter…

she’s probably banned for life from the Etihad after her recent report for Sky Sports

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Mans lost it totally hasnt he

Premier League forced to correct multiple errors in charges against Man City |

Bullshit article really. They were clerical errors on referencing particular rules that have been corrected…to 6 of the 100+ charges.


That’s taken some special level mental gymnastics that one


Hopefully that’s the only error they have made.

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Is the start of the capitulation of the PL charges…bowing down to the shitty…

Its pretty much an admin error,hopefully nothing to worry about.

City or the PL? :rofl:

Obviously the money coming into the city accounts is an error.

Who hasn’t found an extra fiver in their pocket or had someone pay tens of millions into their accounts via a ‘sponsorship deal’.

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Fixed for accuracy

Motivated reasoning almost always produces profound cognitive dissonance. It’s easier for most people to hold contradictory beliefs and invent an explanation that reconciles that conflict than it is to accept that a pillar of their worldview, or sense of self, is wrong.


How many “fans” see football through anything other than the lens of FIFA or Football Manager or whatever games there are out there?


Stuff like this is actually quite disrespectful

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“You cheating bastards, you know what you are” :rofl: :rofl:

The Midlands in fine voice this afternoon :+1:t2:


What an utter cunt.
Circling the wagons is one thing, but the spite in this is venomous.

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I’ve never seen a banner supporting a lawyer before. Anyone else?

‘City will feel hard done by lately with these charges’ - Gary Neville.

What can they feel hard done by, cheating scumbags. Now they singing about Steven Gerrard for some odd reason

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Rent free reds

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