Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...) (Part 1)

It’s even more spiteful considering he wasn’t even managing City at the time.

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Such a strange club. It’s like what I’d imagine a rich American MLS team with their fanbase in placed in the prem would be.

I would be checking where the money is coming from…and whose paying him…

No need to worry.
Just check with Companies House for the latest multi million pound firm with no offices,employees or income stream and you have your answer.

This is just embarrassing it’s on a par with the Saudi head wear at Newcastle.

Football is dying.


If peppy and his crew are so adamant that they have not cheated…provide the paperwork to prove it…why employ a legal team, who I would assume are being paid an awful lot of money…I know one should never assume…but it makes u think…

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Doubling down must be all they have left.

Playing American football at halftime at Edithad. Guess I was right about the MLS

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Gary Neville on commentary thinks it’s embarrassing for the FA to take 4 years to investigate city’s cheating.
Well gary if city hadnt cheated so many times and over such a long period maybe the investigation could have been completed quicker.
Or maybe they could have played by the rules
Gary Neville the complete prick :+1:


I am personally very glad that City decided to not play ball with the PL’s investigation from 2018. What sticks out from all of the early email type communication from City is how completely open they were with the cheating that they were doing. After UEFA opened up their investigation, you can guarantee communication became as tight as a drum. It would be harder to tie City down with direct evidence from the point the UEFA investigation started. Its therefore in Liverpool’s interest that City shoot themselves in the foot by just not being open with the PL.

I think the City investigation will merely tell Newcastle what not to do rather than scare them off from breaking the rules. I guess the million dollar question is whether City decided not to cooperate from 2018 out of spite (most likely) or whether they simply couldn’t find a way of being more inventive that would make it difficult for the PL to tie the club down with direct evidence (less likely).

Isn’t his kids in the city academy ? Suppose doesn’t want those bridges burned

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No idea,but if he can’t be impartial or honest he should be sacked by Sky.

Imagine if they did that with all the pundits that have a vested interest or have an inherent bias :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Micah Richards says it unfair on the players who have worked hard.

You dont get it mate…without financial cheating you wouldnt have those players you thick twat.


I agree with him.

It is unfair on the player that have worked hard…

At every other fucking club in the game.


Neville retired right before City won their first Prem title so while the club he loves (supposedly) has been affected by it, he personally hasnt been robbed of any titles. I wonder if the years were offset just a little bit more if he’d think different of this? Or, I wonder whether these days he is taking more than Qatari money to act as a mouthpiece for bad regimes?


He might be on the cheatylist…

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What’s more embarrassing that bar one or two journalists everyone has been wanking themselves silly over Man City for years.

Neville is probably worried due to the Man Utd takeover and his beloved Salford which in itself is a mini money made club.


Oh Tom Daley…you can see he’s had lessons…10.9, 10.9,10.9…for cheating…

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