Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...) (Part 1)

I remember fellow Reds, on TIA and locally telling me that Neville is a thoughtful and incisive commentator.

I recall my answer being that he will always be a cunt.

I applaud my foresight on this issue


We have a well known saying in this country regarding legal chargesā€¦" innocent until proven guilty", people have known for a while that the cheaty havenā€™t been completely innocentā€¦but every team that now plays against the cheaty must think why are we even hereā€¦why are we playing against these cheatsā€¦I got the impression against Villa todayā€¦Villa didnt look to have the heart to playā€¦so whatever the outcome of these charges, this shower of shit have ruined footballā€¦I would love them to have all their future PL games cancelled, nobody wants to play themā€¦but as I said beforeā€¦innocent until provenā€¦but they will never be innocent and always taintedā€¦

To be fair the analysis he brought to MNF was really good, and then Sky started to use him elsewhere and he just showed up to be the bitter cnut he has always been.

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No way is that a penalty.

For it to be a penalty, it must be a foul. And I am getting pissed off at the media constantly justifying this shit with the piss poor excuse ā€œhe felt contactā€. Contact in itself is not a fucking foul


Oh dearā€¦oh dearā€¦more shit for the fanā€¦

But its Tom Daley and his band of merry cheaters
ā€¦every decision now will be given to themā€¦

Tom Daley is a far better diver than this lot.

So fucking thickā€¦

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That fucking white power ruins people Pep squirt.

He now needs to acknowledge that Gerrard slipping wouldnā€™t have made any difference if City hadnā€™t been financially doping. They ā€˜wonā€™ only because they cheated.


Was very surprised he came out with this at the time so glad he has acknowledged how dumb it was.


Fair enough on Stevie. He should apologize.

Doesnā€™t mean he is not unraveling, and it certainly doesnā€™t even begin to gloss over their systematic cheating over the years.

It might just save him from a straightener when Stevie sees him though.


To have thought it appropriate to begin with is baffling.


He got it out there not. Drip feeding the message that that there were other factors that won the league, not the cheating. I donā€™t believe his sleazy apology for a second


Heā€™s revealed himself as a total POS this last couple of weeks. One might have hoped that heā€™d learned his lesson after the two anabolic steroids incidents, but no. Heā€™s just a mercenary, cheating cunt used as a mouthpiece by a murderous regime. I donā€™t get how people like that can look at themselves in the mirror. That whole club is a hive of malfeasance.


Seemed genuinely ashamed too. Credit where itā€™s due.

Heā€™s always a snide cunt when things arenā€™t going his way, though. Itā€™s been that way for fifteen years plus, so the apology doesnā€™t hold much weight.


Reverse Fran Healy GIF by Travis