Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...) (Part 1)

It’s not impossible. I fully expect them to get away with it, simply by using delaying tactics. Even admitting the unlikely case that they will eventually get a punishment: we are years away from that, and Guardiola must know it. That’s why he has no problem to sign a contract extension.

They will get punished what that will be is the question.

And how watered down that ends up as is another matter. Question is if say we were to beat them and Soton would 8pts start to make them think of taking a hit on points this season especially if it’s a one off.

At this point, they’ll be fighting to not let any of their previously won trophies get revoked.

I’m pretty sure they’ll be happy enough to take a relegation. Pep can be told to go and manage Girona for a year till they come back into the league.

That goes for most of the players who will follow Pep to Girona whether it is on transfers or loans or whatever.

Last I heard , he still has stakes in that club.

And they’ve got enough of a setup to walk back straight in to the premier league even if they get relegated.

I don’t think your suggestion here is permitted under the current transfer rules…

They will find a way.

I think that’s an overly pessimistic view on things. It will be much harder for them to commit such obvious fraud on that scale, if they even still exist by then. I remember a comment from somewhere that if they get relegated, they’re likely to be ineligible for the Championship/Football League in general because of the leagues’ financial regulations, which means they would have to go quite far down.

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I don’t see how the league can justify a sub 30 point ban, given Everton got 10 points on one charge for a fairly uncontested overspend issue. There’d be rioting


Shame City don’t know the meaning of the bolded word. They’ll probably find a way to sell a player to Girona with a buy back clause of the same amount as they sold him for.

They know them well enough to circumvent them unfortunately. Hope I’m proven wrong but starting to feel pessimistic.

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The Prem is walking a tightrope. They want to punish Man City for their cheating. But they are caught up in never ending litigation, tied up in knots having to dedicate countless hours and millions in resources to fight Man City legally. Man City are doing exactly what they said, and this is just a vindictive game for them, as they don’t want to be held to account.

The other difficulty for the Prem is presumably they are getting leaned on from on high, given the billions Abu Dhabi has invested in the country. It has moved way beyond a sporting matter.

My expectation is a very unsatisfactory points deduction - 40 points, and Man City will manage to stay up. They will go all out to win the CL to not miss out on the competition next year.

The Prem will claim they were tough - largest penalty ever meted out. City will say they are being victimized, but will try to claim they are acting for the good of the game by accepting the punishment (presumably it will all be negotiated before hand).

The wider game will be up in arms at such a lenient punishment, and some clubs, including LFC, will sue them directly for losses.

I hope I’m wrong and they are booted out of the Prem, with titles stripped, but I suspect the Prem will grow tired of fighting before Man City are exhausted.


or Abu Dhabi tear up the project and start again…to me thats a real possibility…

they can leave the club in a relatively healthy (long term) position, they still have all the soft power gained, they control parts of greater Manchester and take the similar project to a London Club…

not impossible to see playing out


Pep’s contract extension confirmed. Hope we make him regret it for the first time Sunday in a week.

2-year deal at that

Probably a tax dodge


Can’t be sniffed at…or probably can in Pep’s case.


This won’t get old.

two yearssss…
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It got old ages ago.

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Pep sticking around to make City the greatest non-league team ever.