Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...) (Part 1)

Did not see it.

Did KdB put in a similar performance like in the Spurs game after coming on?

Is he finished?



Thatā€™s an AI generated image. City donā€™t have that many fans.




Suspected the idiot would require his media team to write something up after that. Clueless.


Just caught up with the highlights - those were 3 appalling goals to concede. Every single one of them bad, but each worse than the last given the circumstances. To get exposed the way they did on the third with one simple ball over the top with that game situation is just really difficult to get your head around. Itā€™s as bad as I remember a team of this level conceding. City had so many men caught up field, while trying to hold onto a game they were close to throwing away, that even by the time the ball went in they still only had 3 players who had got back into their own box. The other two goals were bad, but this was goal from a side who either cannot be arsed or are utterly confused in what they are trying to do and why.


Oh boy, when someone has to explain himself, release statements and what else after making a little joke (or not, whatever) like that, without harm.

What are turning into. :man_facepalming:t2:

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@Klopptimist !

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I think for these kind of things, itā€™s usually far easier to say that thereā€™s no harm unless youā€™re personally affected by the issues, when you realise how much harm there is.

Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being cautious and erring on the side of kindness and sensitivity.


Yeah, we can all think before we say things, but f*ck me, I didnā€™t think what he said last night needed a bloody statement and what not.

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Itā€™s a fascinating concept, having rows of seats facing a wall.

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Pretty sure this guy could help. Cheap too I suspect.

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It was pretty clear for that 3rd goal that their heads were gone, and perversely enough just donā€™t have much experience of grinding out a win in the face of adversity. They were attacking like at some point Feyenoord would finally just give up, wanting to get the goal that would put the game away - ignoring that by both measures, that was their 3rd and it didnā€™t happen.

At root, they appear to have no confidence in their own defence. It is not clear if that includes Guardiola.


I think in isolation I understood some of this, but Iā€™d never put it together holistically to think about the entire squad and how difficult a situation they are in.


Some of us had spoken about confusion of allowing themselves to get into a situation players like Stone and Walker, clearly declining (declined?) players with growing physical unreliability, remain so important. But when you look at this list, are we seeing the effect of the charges? Iā€™d imagine that 2027 group is as big as that as none of the players are interesting in committing further to a club with such uncertainty. Is their lack of turnover due to facing difficulty in the market because players want to keep them at arms length until they find out what is going to happen?

Fuck them


They shouldnā€™t. Itā€™s fucking shite.

Not a comment to you but to this ā€œsituationā€:

It was reallly just an innocent wry comment. That he today apologised to the press, shows that you have an extraordinary low bar in England as to what one can say. The man said nothing wrong or provocative and the reactions are beyond ridiculous in my view. Does the British public really only accept fake plastic Barbie and Ken answers, sanitised to the extreme ? Is being human and half-genuine so outragous ? It shouldn"t.

They have lost many games in a row, imploded yesterday and a journalist fabricates a non-story out of a tiny cut on his nose and gets the answer he deserved. Pep answerered like a human being, politely but a bit sarcastically, that it was self harm and this is some how ridiculously spun as an insult to those who are struggling with self harm ?
My God. Low bar for saying something wrong. Glad I live in Norway where we are allowed to be slightly more genuine and human.

My opinion anyway.

No, clubs have a very, very high threshold for avoiding negative PR.

Had City not said anything, here is what would have happened.

  • Guardiola would have been criticised by a rag tag assortment of interest groups and individuals.

  • it might have been picked up by some of the more shit stirring journalists.

  • it would have been forgotten about by tomorrow.

The reason why City issued a statement wasnā€™t because England is a hotbed of sensitivity. Itā€™s because clubs (in fact any corporate entity) always feel itā€™s best to apologise at the slightest hint of the possibility of a PR storm.

City probably didnā€™t need to issue a retraction and apology, but clubs are always going to respond to criticism of this nature by swiftly apologising and trying defuse the issue straightaway.

My personal view is that people shouldnā€™t really make light of self-harm. It is a recognised psychological condition. Itā€™s a learning point, but thatā€™s all it is. Nobody should be using this story to suggest anything about the character of the country.


Itā€™s a fair opinion and I see it about the same.

But the game we are playing, with a full on 24/7 media looking for any sort of angle, or story, is a different world. Amorim quipped that he got more coverage in one week at Man Utd than in all his years in Portugal. Thatā€™s the world Guardiola inhabits, and a sensible or measured approach left the building about 20 years ago.

In that context the statement is just an attempt to manage the media and avoid criticism.