Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Christ almighty, they’re featuring their punchability in their advertising now. They’re capitalizing on how much of a bunch of fucking cunts they are. It’s bold, but you’ve got to hand it to them. They are playing to their strengths :clap:

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This stuff seems to be the way JD Sports has gone though Declan Rice is still far more likeable than that lot.

Another £200 million in fullbacks!

Doesn’t really bother me, I remember when this stuff did.


I just have this feeling it will all implode one day.

Something will set it off and it will run like a broken toilet stopcock.


They’re already well into diminishing returns. How much did this extra point cost them? A few hundred million? Maybe we could sell them a couple next season to help them out?

How much more does Haaland get them?
For the money they have to do the quadruple next year. Surely thats the least this level of spending requires?

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I’m very confused by this. I liked his first album a lot.


Dont blame Taylor here, blame the other shit refs for not being on to it!!

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I meant Declan can tell I’m not sleeping at the moment

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Not before they cheat their way for a whole lot of pl trophies.

That’s probably true if us as well but the difference is that they don’t see it. It’s that Middle East oil state attitude we must spend more and that will make it the best. But it isn’t always work that way.

And of course buys into, and has always bought into that despite his comments to the contrary at Barcelona.


Bit soon for a Mural - has Pep even got one yet?

Someone’s legs wrapped around your waist and using their feet for pleasure. Sounds like something you’d discover in the Karma Sutra

To be fair, his artistic skills are probably better than their other fan.


Wtf is that…

Shark Tank Writing GIF

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Oh come off it.

You can’t tell me you didn’t go to double check and confirm it :rofl:

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Serious @gasband interpretation required.

I guess it goes well with the statue, somehow. I just can’t figure out how.

They’ll probably tell us it’s KdB next

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