Masculinity - What Makes a Man?

Ladies and gentlemen, England will be playing four - four - fucking - two.

I believe this entire topic can be summed up by the following song by rock legends DVDA:

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I think Elliott was super unlucky with that injury last season. Same goes for Curtis. Hope they get many more mins this season.

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This is an answer very much defined by culture and location.

I very much dislike how much of this has been dictated in public by the marketing of goods and services. it takes away from how difficult it is to encourage good masculine behavior to youths, over the toxic shit they are bombarded with on a daily bases.


How long do you think clothes retailers, for example, will continue selling “boys” and “girls” clothes? It seems so outdated already that t-shirts with dinosaurs or marvel heroes on them will be “boys” and unicorns and rainbows will be “girls”.

My daughter hates unicorns!

What our children grow up to consider masculine or feminine will be revealing because to me those concepts are becoming increasingly redundant.


I confess, in my foolish youth I did it once. I then did it a few more times till I got out of the habit. Now I make fun of those people.

Yes, I’ve been thinking the same thing recently. Probably all clothes and shoes will be all jumbled up without division between M/F.
Doc Martens seem to be worn equally by boys and girls for example.

This has already happened with several major retailers with toys, and produced the expected shit storm of a response from people thinking it was being done to emasculate little boys.

It is not a trivial thing, the way issues are marketed does have a huge influence on the way society responds to things. Take coding. In the early years of the industry it was almost exclusively a female role because it was born out of traditional administration jobs. It changed, and in very quick order, almost entirely because of the way early home computers were marketed as being a man thing to do man things.

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I think they’ll sell ANYTHING they can make a buck off. most of the shit I see nowadays (I have a 7yo) is already marketed with brand names, my son has already grown out of the “toy” clothes (Paw Patrol etc).


Interesting. Is porn a man thing?

Maybe when computers were first marketed to men it was seen that way?

Keep this shit in the Elliott thread before I slap you with @mattyhurst and @Bekloppt man bags, while I wrap my dusty bum bag around your neck. last thing we want is a thread derailment.

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Interesting. Is porn a man thing?

It is on the tip of my tongue but I will not make the joke … :see_no_evil:

Monday starts training …

I know, I know, having a HiFi stereo and being an amateur of at least 1 sport!

What makes a Man?.. Looking at this guy, Unplucked eyebrows :0)

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It seems to be masculine to act as if there’s something painful about discussing masculinity.

Its A Trap Movie GIF by Star Wars

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