Nike kits, money for our new CB

Confirmation of season 22/23 font:


The lettering looks good, but the numbering look hidious


Where will that be used apart from pre season? Like surely we use different fonting for the premier league, CL , and cup competitions.

The new font (with the Liverbird rather than the PL Lion at the bottom of each number) will be used for non-PL matches.

I believe that PL will be using the same font as previous years. (I checked yesterday on a pretend purchase and checking out the numbers and fonts.)

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Im more interested in new training range


Just one more reason to leave the back blank.


I dunno, it’s really weird, but somehow I kind of like it…

Probably reminds me of my 8-bit childhood playing Nintendo!


Ye it’s very Nintendo / mega drivey

Reminds me of Lego


Ok so I’ve seen the stadium version in the flesh and it is fucking amazing

A lot of detail and not just generic. Very nice.

For those at Anfield today it’s on a manikin in the store


Yeah definitely a pixels vibe.

Bugger, I wish I’d seen your post earlier. Just got back from the match. We were by the shop twice. I’m in Liverpool city centre in yhe week. I’ll see if they’ve got it in the Liverpool One store. :+1::nerd_face:

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I’d not noticed that neck. Never mind my neck, my whole body is not that long. 5’3" me. :nerd_face:

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Crazy Robbo right off the bat. :sweat_smile:

I’m liking it more and more everytime I see it… :fire:

I’ve only seen the stadium version in the flesh and it’s lovely.

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At first sight, it looks good. Minimalistic and unassuming. I like it. The only thing I’d avoid is having a number on the back.


Yeah, those fonts are crap.


No sign of Ox who has always been a part of these kit release videos…

Not sure why everyone hates the font, got a touch of the 8-bit retro feel to it.

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I think Ox will be leaving this summer. Maybe that’s why there’s no sign of him on the pictures.

Mine came today in the post. Just about fits the player fit large size. Happy enough as I feared the worse. Now just need to lose 3 stone and get toned and should look good. A dark wine red it looks, very breathable, the design fairly basic up close with a similar pattern all around.