Where is the Adidas Kit Money, John?

It used to be Reebok, Adidas and Warrior/New Balance. Now Liverpool kits are manufactured by Nike for the first time in their Premier League history - “teal” is the word!

Not my favourite kit, but its growing on me

Me in the new kit!


love the on-brand facial censorship :joy:


Can’t help it, I loved Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex anime.

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Have to say I’m a bit disappointed with the lack of availability of the kits on the club store.

No vapour kit and not a huge selection of sizes in the infant kit… :roll_eyes:



Just realised is there actually need for a 3rd kit this year?

At home and away against clubs who don’t wear red, we should wear red

Away at clubs who play in red we’ll wear the teal away kit

Is there a club where red and teal will clash with for need for the 3rd kit?

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No theres never a need really. Its quite easy really just make your away kit no colour of any other clubs home team colours. You only need 2 then.

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Just like it’s not 2 new kits every 2 seasons, but 3 (at least, that’s not counting GK ones) every season.


Lots of new LFC trainings gear in this thread

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Inspired by those famous European nights… Our third kit has arrived

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You can preorder the 3rd kit now - the training range not yet released.

Just the £115 for this…


Basically copy/paste of Croatia’s new Nike away kit.

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Yup and those heat-pressed badges are just :nauseated_face:

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Heat pressed badges on the vapour, normal badges on the fans version?

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Looks crap even on the players…

Anyhow I won the home shirt today through that coke promotion so that’s saved me £70 quid


We were talking about this the other day. Think its only palace away that we will def need the 3rd kit. Possibly West Ham and Villa too. Out of the 19 away games, its about 13 or 14 matches where we can’t wear Red… then out of those, maybe 3 teams where we can’t wear the away kit either.

But every know and then, they just wear the 3rd kit for no reason too.

Can’t see Westham being an issue, their away kit is usually the colour of our away kit this season.