Pre- and In-Match | Liverpool v Newcastle United | PL Match Day 17 | Thursday 16th December 20:00h | Anfield

Commentary disappointed Ibou actually got the ball


It might have been but i had my heart in my mouth. Im surprised there was no reaction from the newcastle players.

EDIT nar, all ball

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Hard for me to say but Mike Dean has had an excellent half… I’d better go and have a lie down


Tea break in the 1st test match at Anfield. The elderly punters politely clap and head off for earl grey and scones

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Mo Salah is the fucking best in the world.

Anybody who disagrees about the above knows fuck all about football


Man with ‘head injury’ seems OK…but claims a pen everything a red shirt gets near him…cheat.

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Sport Eyes GIF by Liverpool FC


He had every opportunity to blow his whistle on either or even both our goals. We’re not lucky, only in the sense that we’d normally expect shitting reffing to have got in the way.

We need a couple of early goals second half to put game to bed then play keep ball.

Wasn’t even worried when they scored. We’ve been streets ahead across the whole pitch apart from Thiago who has been their best player.

Time for half time refreshments. Who am I kidding? I’m making me cocoa.


Never mentioned luck but it is probably one of the better halfs of reffing that we/Liverpool have had, got all decisions correct

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It’s amazing he didn’t immediately blow for a Mane penalty before Mo scored…he’s done well


jus be patient in the final third and we will score a few more in the 2nd… we need to score as city will put 10 past these clowns over the weekend

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And the fake head injury and Konates challenge, we have seen a lot of woeful reffing lately and he has done well and thats a ref I dont rate normally

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St maximum is a threat. We need to be careful.
If they put Wilson on I think we’ll be tested a lot more


The head injury is a tough one. You want the game stopped for head injuries. I hope he saw it and realized it wasn’t a head. I’d expect (and want) refs to be on the conservative side, and blow the whistle. You won’t be able to tell any Newcastle fans that wasn’t a head injury.

All refs hate us, conspiracy etc etc.

Another goal please. If we drop points to this shower I’ll cry.

Thiago - wtf?


Fair comment

I wish they would watch the head injury no fucking contact he looked up then went to hold his head bollox fucking punditry