PreMatch | Newcastle vs Liverpool | PL Matchday 14 | Wednesday December 4th 19:30h

Let me try to rework the phrasing.

Why is my Prime a minute behind? So infuriating.

Get Lucho running with the ball.

The man with the difficult name to write, Szoboszlai, has been excellent since he came on.

Fucking dive.


Gordon keeps diving and ref falling for it shocking ref


Ref is taking the piss

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On a side note, the ref is really crap

This ref is validating @cynicaloldgit

I asked the flight attendant to delay this flight for your sakes. She laughed but didnā€™t seem like she would.

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You probably have to pay extra for the Germanred feed

God damn what a fucking cunt Gordon is. This ref is a total mug.


Bloody hell this ref is shit

Jarell just isnā€™t up to this but we have no one left to replace him

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Fucking dive. Gordon you cunt


Heā€™s just not that sort of player. Heā€™s Englandā€™s golden boy, and we all know they donā€™t dive.


Yellow for simulation would have been right. Darwin was cheated, and booked.

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Wow, that will be embarrassing for the ref, after he has cashed that Saudi cheque

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VAR should be able to recommend booking for simulation.

How have refereeā€™s not figured out yet that Gordon is always faking contact.

Gordon is probably the only player in the league that I actively hate.


Or the player who is very nice on the eyesā€¦

Donā€™t want that fucker in Liverpool colors

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