16 goals 6 assists in the league last season.
Nice to see Jones and Cody consoling Bowen.
Just not sure if it’s his injury or the fact he plays for West Ham.
Right about the time @jabu read BBC and said we should sign Bowen
Actually, Macca’s tackle on Bowen was a foul
No it wasn’t
They get relegated without him
So glad Endo on for Ryan. He needs a good rest now!
Isn’t just the goals and assists. But fair point.
Mo could have 5 now.
Dare I say it, Mo has been poor this half
You were on the Mo thread on the Caf too long
Mo could have had 6
Mo’s second half has been diabolical. His legs have gone.
say it if you dare
Sell him
Double dare me
This half has all the feel to the first preseason game in July about it.
To all other posters on here that are moaning they have the worst commentator they have to listen to… I guess I win the trophy hands down for having to listen to David (never shuts the fuck up) James :0(