Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

Ask @SBYM he should know. :grinning:


Tits on a Nun FC!


@RedOpium @sandsoftime

Based on this video, I think it’s safe to say they are not related.


At last, some joy this weekend.

Sow’s ear, silk purse, horseshit, strawberry jam.

A turd rolled in glitter, and all that.


Didn’t get my Jones own goal, but the defensive header right to dead center will have to do for now.

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Goldbridge is unravelling btw…


Assist weights the same amount of goal/gold.

Well at least we don’t have to hear any more shite about how they’ve been undefeated since Gollum went.


I would love to see what JK could do with Rashford. Poor lad looks lost…there’s still a great player in there somewhere.

I think he would fit our attacking style perfectly…

Anyway he needs to move on before it is too late…


I disagree Rashford is at his level now.

He is nowhere near the player he was two years ago. He is a black hole for possession in the final quarter, shot or turnover unless there is an obvious pass.

No guarantee he can unwind the clock though.

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That was a little too heavy for me this evening.

He made a great start though

Yes, 3 games and he is all “this manager is an idiot”. The man is believing his own hype (Goldbridge that is) and knows far less football than both Solskjær and Ragnick, but he sits there like an oracle and spews absolute hyperbole. The stuff I heared him say in this video is above and beyond into the realms of mental retardation. He should really understand that he understands the team a bit less than the managers, but he really don’t, he thinks he knows better and that is why he is an idiot. I mean, the man is not dumb, he sounds even bright at times, but the absolute arrogance he spews makes him an idiot. Labeling managers yes-men, he doesn’t know what he is talking about; at all. He just extrapolates out of his ass and his guesswork is pretty damn stupid. What a fool he is.

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How could you not post this classic!

This should be interesting. No one knows what he looks or sounds like, I think, because he keeps a low profile. However, he’s publicly reviled and constantly heckled by the ruling party in Serbia and their friendly media for no apparent reason other than them needing a public enemy to keep, well, the public in check. It’s become a running joke among “normal” people in these parts.

However, he’s a very savvy businessman, his media network and Internet/TV provider extends through almost all ex-YU countries and Greece. Ironically, his provider company has had an exclusive broadcasting deal with Premier League for past decade or so, so the ruling party in Serbia decided to strike a lethal blow to his company by outbidding them via the national telecom provider in order to acquire the broadcasting rights over the next six seasons - they will pay more than seven times what he was paying. You couldn’t make it up.

It will be interesting to see what he will do with Southampton, though. They’ve been going through motions lately, in my opinion, with Hasenhüttl being their only realistically big acquisition in the last few seasons. Will he be satisfied by them simply playing in PL or will he have bigger plans for them…


Didn’t know Southampton changed hands once already.

If you remember back several years ago when Southampton were the model for other teams to follow, the guy everyone wanted was Nicola Cortese. It was he, working for Markus Liebherr, who was responsible for pulling them out of freefall and getting them back into the Prem. Liebherr died before they got that final promotion and ownership of the club went to his daughter who wanted nothing to do with it and immediately made moves to try to sell. It took her about 5 years, during which time she fell out with Cortese forcing him to move on. Im no sure what has happened with this current Chinese ownership group to make them want to exit already, but presumably something to do with internal control of Chinese money by the CCP making international investment difficult.


His money is also heavily involved in Chinese real estate, which is a house of cards right now waiting for Evergrande to be resolved one way or another.

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