Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

Yes, it’s all gone over the top now and games are being postponed because of Covid and and and and… the PL has caused a shit show for itself.



Should have been a specific outbreak one that shuts a training ground. If I’m right in thinking that’s happened to three clubs.

Newcastle v Watford, a Newcastle win and Watford replace them in bottom three.

So how many of the dickhead arses played on Thursday night…with an idea they had the lurgy…so now waiting to find out how many of our boys have it again…this lurgy is being used to manipulate games to some teams advantage…(me thinks).

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Norwich 1-0

Make it 2.

Sacked in the morning

That’s the first goal Norwich have scored for 9 hrs.


I could have managed Everton as well as Rafa has. This is surely the end of his management career…

Last big pay off so can’t say I have any sympathy at all. He knew full well what he was getting into…


An Everton fan has got onto the pitch and confronted Rafa! Toxic.

Someone please post a video of this.

I’m watching it on some Arabic channel😂

I’m watching the Arabian team in English.

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‘’‘Agent Rafa, Agent Rafa. Come in. Job slightly too well done, stand down. Repeat, stand down from current ops and consolidate position’’

Rafa aint gonna let them get relegated anytime soon, so give them what they want…
Big Dunc will have them in the Championship within 2years…

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I thought his name was Timo Werner-Offseid?


Can we play you every week’ sung by the Norwich fans. Doesn’t get more embarrassing than this

From the Everton forum

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Big Dunc huddling secretly with Holgate, Begovic and Richarlison. “Come on, lads, help me take over at half time!” Soon to be known as The Blue Stain Mutiny.

I’m watching Newcastle v Watford, nothing to see here.

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Yeah he will get a boost and then drop off a cliff like a Lemming and to be honest it’s what they deserve.