Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

Villa 1-0

1-0 Villa


Fuck, crowd throws something to the players

Wow. Make them play in an empty stadium

Digne with assist :0)

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Dirty bitter cunts.

Oh they do

Their fans are disgusting. Some sort of action needs to be taken over that.

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The bottle was still full…!

Points deduction or a fine?

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At the very least, crowds should be searched on entry for the rest of the season, and no concessions sales allowed. That is totally disgraceful. Cash and Villa should simply pursue legal action, not let the league dither on it. Get the footage, and ensure criminal charges are filed against the fan, civil against the club.

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Opposite the Gwladys St end there’s a match day camera…if that’s on the crowd…you can see exactly who threw the bottle…


Should be easy to identify the culprit though

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Of what though…the mind boggles.!!!

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Flown over Woodison earlier…
“22 Years of Failure Bill”

Re: Bill Kenwright obviously


Close that part of the stadium for the next home game. It’s the only punishment that will have any effect.

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If only that was a punishment…

Pickford og



Thank F*** this guy is not our leader

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