Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

Amongst all the other frothing at the mouth Neanderthals? Not so easy

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Empty that section now…I’m sure someone will point out the culprit…March em all over to Stanley Park…out in the cold for another hour…it can be done…cause they Marshall football crowds everywhere…

That header wasn’t going over the head of the defender on the line until Pickford’s little arms only got enough deflection to evade his leap. That purveyor of eternal gifts just gets more generous each season

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Premier League really needs to clamp down hard on that object-throwing, because it is becoming more common. At some point if it is too frequent, perhaps half the stadiums in the league are no longer viable for use, or will need protective netting between stands and pitch. None of those options are good.


I see the away team is still using a portakabin at Goodison. Classy.

What?!? They have been there for damn near a century, and that is the best they have?

Very classy.

It started with the pandemic and is still in place.

Glad our league game is at Anfield in the second half of the season.

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EFC = Sunday League Tactics + Sunday League Crowd Behaviour

Gomes walks straight past Dunc. No love lost there then…

Referee surrounded again.

The amount of pressure Everton players put on referees is outrageous

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Not sure how they can moan about that foul?

Maybe a harsh yellow, but certainly a foul

FFS Coutinho :man_facepalming:

For a young kid just starting out on his career… that Gordon does an awful lot of moaning at the refereeing decisions

He’s at Everton

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I think that is an example of the rot at Everton. Young players learn from watching the veterans.


Ffs they got a shot on target :unamused: