Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

Bit extreme…fingerprint everyone in that area…make em wait as long as it takes…them take prints off the bottle…

They’re probably related to them.


I used to sell golden goal tickets at Goodison and loved days like this and especially when the cushions started raining down :laughing:


I remember the cushions, it was hilarious.

What they had cushions

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In the Main stand, blue ones of course.

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Dunc’s losing it

This was the early 70s. Not sure when they removed them. I think I got a tenner and ticket for the game…

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Gordon looks about 40


8 yellow cards bitters with 5.

Jnr Vardy…

Looks like Steptoe’s off-spring

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Well over 5 minutes

If he seemed like a nice lad I wouldn’t mention it but he is a gobby shit

Blame Rafa

Villa was poor in the later stages

Yeah, why did he let himself get sacked!!!

I bet Rafa has got a little smirk on his face at the moment.

Up the ev! :rofl: :rofl:

Why did he sell our best player.:grin: