Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

Coleman taking out Howe…the filthy rat.

Well, Newcastle is letting Everton control the ball. That’s got to be a sobering sight.

We need Newcastle gone really. The whole thing with these regimes being allowed to buy Englsh football clubs sickens me to the stomach. But then I fucking hate the ev. I’m torn :thinking:


Holgate you dirty kunt

Chants of Rafa Benitez :grinning:


The fundamental problem is that of the bottom 5, only Norwich is one I would like to see survive, and not because they are not crap.


The whole league needs Newcastle gone…put aside the hate for Everton for 1 night and lets get behind football.

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That is what my head is saying, but my heart just isn’t buying it.

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Gray injured.

The superstar known as Deli Alli about to come on,

Everton at 62%. I didn’t realize that Toon were this crap, my previous viewings suggested they were a lot more capable than this.

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This is a shit game.

Slight boo for him as he did, I guess the Toon fans feel he rejected them.

They’re both very much incapable…1 team smashes it up long for Saint Maximin to chase and the other I’m still yet to work out.

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Manc 1-0 up at Burnley

Edit. VAR cancelled the goal. :rofl:

Nope VAR :rofl: Ralph is angry


Mina injured.

Oh dear Shelvey…

I’d like to see the line on that… Maguire is miles off but Varane isnt

The Pogba tackle was comedically bad.

Mina off injured, some kid I never heard of on.

Hahahah what a comical OG from a Newcastle perspective.