Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)


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Fair enough.

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Fat Fwank losing

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Arms too short.


The bitters are dirty cunts.

You know that when the Bitters can’t compete, they will kick people instead.

Frank Lampard’s Ev Lot are getting their fucking bollocks kicked in here :smiley::+1: Just a shame it’s by these cunts.

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F***in Hell…
Must be freeeeeezing in Newcastle and there is a load of fans with NO shirts or tops on…!!! :0))

Delli Alli is playing shite…
He must be thinking if he remembered to put his car seat warmers on before the game

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Somehow I read “baby seat”

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Saint Maximin gonna give fat Fwank nightmares tonight.

Murphy hits the post after some lovely play by him.

Sadly too much shit for eithier of them to go down.

Lana Rhodes only dreams of having her arsehole ripped in the way Saint Maximin has done to Everton tonight.

Don’t worry lad, Newcastle won’t be playing utter drossity like Everton at home every week.

Commentator with Manc on the attack: “lovely turn by McGuire”. To bad for Manc that he doesn’t do that while defending.

Come on Burnley. Ten more minutes of shithousing. You can do it, you cunts.

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Lingard on, you know they dislike you man make a suicide pass backwards.


Fuck that, just boot it straight into his own goal.

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Always liked Burnley.

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Dwight McNeil needs a serious wake up call and rocket up his ass. He’s been moping and sleep walking through the entire season. This kid has an over inflated sense of self and massive ego. Awful effort.