Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

If they come to Anfield, they will not have the benefits of a shit pitch for them!

Cunt finally gets booked.

Slabby tantrum

He’s just a thug…


Man Utd need all the confidence they can get. They’ve got a chance of fluking a result against the Cheats.


Which one? There’s eleven on the pitch.


Ref continues to give yellow to Leeds and give the benefit of the doubt to man utd players.

Finally something to mctom. He’s done plenty.

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The one that got booked :smiley::smiley::smiley:


Red ticket…

Off off off.

No 2nd yellow for Scotty Mcdickheady?

Tierney shit his pants

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Nah…if he fell in in a barrel of shite…hed come out smelling of roses…slimey shite…

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Yep…mcdickhead would be after him…

McTom has been fouling all game. He finally got the first yellow after a lot of fouls. Then does that and Raph ends up with a card.

United DNA on display lads.

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Since going 3-2 down, Leeds are actually playing their best form of the match.

Leeds shouldn’t by right be fighting the relegation battle. I put it down to Biesla being too stubborn to change his tactics.


Game over