Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

How come you can see it so early?

Streaming delays or precognition

How many goals is that now, without reply? At least nine, I can’t remember their game before Anfield.

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I’m watching on legit BT sport in the UK though

That’s the one where they scored 2 goals in a minute against the mancs. So that would make it 11 without reply.

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More to do with internet speed on yours or the server side I think. The service will buffer a few seconds or minutes to ensure good quality video

So am I, 31 mins in at 13:01.

You sure you haven’t paused the tv at any point?

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I think his team has - they no longer believe his methods are going to produce results (rightly so), and it is hard to maintain the energy levels needed when you just don’t believe it is going to work.


Leeds are a disgrace.

Nope and I have fast fibre…

Looking at a BT forum it appears that the tv app is on average 40 seconds behind…watching BT via Sky is only 10 seconds…


Try reducing the video quality setting. I wouldn’t though. Pointless match now

Losing 3-0 inside 30 mins at home to a team that’s lost 4 games out of 5 having just lost 6-0 themselves is nothing short of a disgrace.

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Jesus christ Ayling.

I’d like to ask a referee, why they are so reluctant to give penalties when defenders are clearly holding onto the opposing players at set pieces. I find it very frustrating seeing this in every game. Giving a few penalties would stamp it out overnight.

I think it was Barry Glendenning who made the point that while Bielsa has influenced many coaches - not many seem to have been keen to imitate his man-to-man marking.

There are some people who think he’s a genius but I’d probably classify him as more of a rogue idealist.

When it goes wrong with Bielsa it goes very wrong. It always does.


If Leeds are seriously thinking of sacking Bielsa i wonder who would they consider replacing him with.

There was something on twitter yesterday saying he has a £15-20m release clause if relegated.


I don’t think Leeds had the financial backing or the intent to do what needed to be done - that squad needed to be dramatically overhauled, more talent and equally importantly, new players to restart the learning cycle. Everywhere he has gone, players reach a saturation point, even ones who continue to respect him deeply say there came a point where they just didn’t have the required intensity anymore. He has a short halflife.


I remember people saying the same thing about Klopp after his final year at Dortmund. That you get a few years of success then it all falls apart because he burns the players out.

I think that was always exaggerated and his final season was more down to catastrophic injury crisis, and Ciro Immobile being absolutely shite, but it has been noticeable how much more controlled Liverpool became after the 18/19 season. Don’t hear many complaints about players get burnt out of bored of the message anymore.

Maybe rather than always being the influencer, Bielsa should try looking at better managers than himself and trying to understand why they have such longevity. Something he has never accomplished.


Yeah, they perhaps should have let him go last season, that whole episode must have had some impact on the club. Its understandable why they fought to keep him though.