Premier League 2023/24 (Part 2)

Well, there goes that City move. Again.

I think you have to assume they are just freaked out at how widespread this might be and so looking to put down a marker for them being willing to essentially end your career. The Italian scandal of the 80s that saw Rossi banned was related to outright fixing the results of games, and while the biggest ban there was 6 years, most players involved were in the 1-3 year range so it is interesting that the Prem are going for something so much bigger now for a seemingly less consequential violation.


If he isn’t the only player involved (allegedly), then the Met police might want to have a word as with the recent case in Australia.

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It’s a vote winner!



Do doubt after CAS and the PFA have their say, he’ll get a slap on the wrist and told he’s a very naughty boy!


No wonder they’re siding with Man City


Clubs that all knowingly put themselves in this position too.


Villa are the only ones I have even the remotest bit of sympathy for. Each of the rest conducted themselves in a way that on its face appeared absurd, or are Newcastle.


I wonder if there might be a useful bargain or two to be had, when the crunch hits?

This is a potential benefit of being a well run organization. When others are flapping we should have cash on hand to make a move or two. Now, whether or not any of those clubs have players we want, at a price we want, remains to be seen. We could all probably name 2-3.

The higher story in all this is what Man City are going to do to the whole system, in their war on the Premier League.

We are suing you because you won’t let us inflate sponsorship deals? From Abu Dhabi sources? That is ridiculous! We are suing you because you won’t let us cheat? And the tyranny of the majority has meant that we have only won 6/7 of the last Premier League titles? boo-hoo.

They are a complete joke, and the Premier League needs to kick them into touch. Relegation, hopefully down more than one level, and a system change to allow forensic accountants appointed by the Premier League at Man City’s expense to be satisfied with their books, as a condition of allowing them to compete again should they make it back.

It is concerning that other clubs will band together with Man City for their own ends. It must be defeated.


I :heart: him already…

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(I’m going to get banned, aren’t I?)


As part of ongoing work to improve VAR, six key areas were focussed on as part of discussions with clubs:

  1. Maintaining a high threshold for VAR intervention to deliver greater consistency and less interruptions to the flow of the game.
  2. Reducing delays to the game, primarily through the introduction of semi-automated offside technology (SAOT) and the maintained high threshold for VAR intervention.
  3. Improving fan experience through a reduction in the delays, in-stadium announcements from referees after a post-VAR change of decision and where possible, an enhanced offering of big screen replays to include all VAR interventions.
  4. Working with PGMOL on the implementation of more robust VAR training to improve consistency, including an emphasis on speed of process while preserving accuracy.
  5. Increasing transparency and communication around VAR – including expanded communications from Premier League Match Centre and through broadcast programming such as Match Officials Mic’d Up.
  6. The delivery of a fan and stakeholder VAR communication campaign, which will seek to further clarify VAR’s role in the game to participants and supporters.

Keep #1 in mind once the season starts because 95% of VAR complaints are about why VAR didn’t get involved in something.



Oh no…no no no…

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Nah. If Villa put themselves in this situation while they knew the rules, then they have to face the inevitable punishment. No sympathy for them in this peculiar situation, although they are admittedly less unpalatable than the other cheaters in this league.

Regulations on related party transactions are one leg of the three legged stool of FFP like spending restrictions. If you take them away, FFP collapses because it just provides an avenue for rich benefactors to funnel money into the company while pretending it is commercial revenue.

It seems pretty obvious that City’s goal here is to critically undercut the entire point of FFP and its related regulations.

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I am not saying Villa need not comply. I am saying Villa have reached this point through normal, and completely different, means than the others. They have spent money to grow and now have decisions to make about how to rebalance the same way any company does that has gone through a period of growth funded by short term losses. Pretty much all clubs have found themselves in this situation at some point in the FFP era (“ok, if we make this singing next summer is going to be quiet because we wont have room in FFP to go again”).

What the others have done is meaningfully different and more irresponsible


Think they’re cooking up some kind of sexual violation of your person as well.

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