Racism and all the bad -isms

Oh heavens I’m using the wrong terms now. Hang on:
A quick google gives 82% of the UK being white. QED complaining about the colour of a person’s skin in this country (when it’s white) is EXACTLY like doing the same in Tobago. There you go, precisely as I said originally. Yes I know Mr A was born here as detailed above. But his parents were immigrants (good stuff, I’m not one of “those” BREXITeers) so complaining about the country that’s new to your family is frankly daft.

Sleepy Baby Animals GIF by BBC America

You need to do MUCH better than that. And I really don’t like the accusation. Actually.

Arthanayake is complaining that there are no other Muslims in the spaces he works in the BBC. That’s a legitimate criticism. There is a glass ceiling problem. 6.5% of the population are Muslim, so you would expect just over 1 in 20 people in any walk of life to be Muslim.

There are loads of ways to attack that argument - such as how the percentage of working age Muslims compares, has there been enough time for inclusion programmes to filter through to senior positions etc (I wouldn’t agree btw)

But you chose to say he was the racist because he shouldn’t see colour, like you (a white person living in a majority white country), he has no right to complain about the ‘indigenous population’ of a country he was born in, and your experience of visiting Tobago is the same as his experience of living in the UK as a Muslim.

I have no idea where the ignorance ends and the racism starts here. A little bit of column a and a little of column b? But for fucks sake, you can’t sit there moaning I’m calling you a racist (I haven’t, by the way) while dropping racism like that on the forum.

Just because you don’t think something is racist, doesn’t mean it isn’t. In this conversation, you have literally suggested a British born man is wrong to complain about the ‘indigenous population’. You don’t want to be accused of racism, don’t say racist things.

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Tell me what the indigenous populations of Canada and the USA are please. As you’re SO fond of history, you’ll know straight off the bat. But I suspect your history is about to get very hazy.

Oh dear. All roads for you in this conversation are leading to a dead end. Nahil was born in Harlow. Do you consider him part of the ‘indigenous population’?

Let’s backtrack even further. Do you believe that there should be a fair representation in a workforce of the varied cultural differences in UK society that such an organisation represents?

Believe me, some ways workforces are forcing the issue irks me (lower threshold for BAMs to get to reach the interview stages when applying for jobs for instance) but, Christ. Surely everyone wants a fair representation of the community at BBC.

Ha! Here’s problem with your thinking. You’re assuming that Muslims have the same desire to work in the BBC as everybody else. It’s like saying ethnic representation in football should be in keeping with percentage ethnicities spectacularly missing the point that many ethnicities prefer other sports. The classic error. It’s like saying that 1 in 20 muslims should run pubs. No, just no.

Defer to another mod.

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Just because you think something is racist, doesn’t mean it is.

Shall we set up a poll?


I know, as above but his parents were immigrants.

You just don’t get it. Underrepresentation at the BBC might not be seen as a problem if there was over represention in other sectors and employers. But there isn’t. There is underrepresentation everywhere, or at least there is at a certain level of seniority.

Only if that community wants to work for the BBC. My cousin lives and works in Baku, she’s in Oil. She’s never ever going to work in broadcasting.

Mood What GIF by NBC

Yeah I’m not sticking around in this thread to see how this ends.

Peace out.


You think there’s something wrong with pointing out the truth?

Batman Facepalm GIF by WE tv

Now you are bringing Native Americans into it as well? I think everyone gets what is meant by the indigenous population of the US and Canada. There was a fairly clear point where one bunch of people were slaughtered and had their land stolen by another bunch of people.

It’s hard to even define what the ‘indigenous population’ is in the UK even means, given our history of invasion, immigration, and mixing. I mean, where are you drawing the line? Windrush? The Saxons? The Beaker Folk?

The trouble here, which you still haven’t grasped, is that if you talk about an ‘indigenous population’ in the US it’s understood that you’re referring to Native Americans. If you talk about the ‘indigenous population’ in the UK, you just sound like the BNP.