Racism and all the bad -isms

Just people

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And we’re all fuckwits.


Oi ! Speak for yourself, and errr me and errrr everyone else


Interesting twist on this story. The lady that was hired had strong credentials as a political reporter, but had no credentials at all in this domain or in management. Apparently, even before the old tweets became an issue, the wider staff were confused to angry at such a seemingly out of the box hire. The argument being put forward by some, is that the management at Conde Naste felt they could not defend their decision on its merit in the face of such well argued criticisms. Admitting they made a mistake would have forced senior management to take blame, so they allowed the teenage racist twitter jokes to become the story to give them cover to pull a mulligan.

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Didn’t the person who “outed” her decade old tweets fall foul of the woke police? That she herself had tweeted some unsavoury material previously? I believe from memory she lost her job too. Seem to recall reading something along those lines - but the stories get a bit blurry given the tidal wave of indiscretions that are judged in the High Court of Twitter.

I think you’re probably talking about an adjacent story also related to Conde Naste - The Reply All podcast about Bon Appetite. They were trying to do a series on the structural racism that existed at the publication and how it manifested, but both of the producers of the show were forced to step down before the series could even finish airing because of complaints from within their company about they had both contributed in different ways to a “hostile work environment.” It’s fucked up, as a big part of the show was that one of the producers is Indian who’s got a complex set of experiences about what it means to be a PoC and was using prducing the show to explore those issues about her own history. Nope, shit canned and the series cancelled because of her conduct over their company’s push to unionize.

The whole series was about the shit situations the obliviousness of white people can create for people of colour not out of malice, but out of just not being able to contemplate being in the shoes of someone non-white. It was very much an exercise in the need to learn and grow, and as this Indian lady was doing that publicly, she was crucified and condemned as a hypocrite.

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Big week for self-congratulating through reports.

Wonder if I can ask my manager if I can write my own appraisal next year… I’d be incredibly fair and only recommend several minor promotions.


Always put a few very minor (and easily implementable) areas for development. Makes your next appraisal even better

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My biggest weakness is I just care too much.


Haha. Yes, another one that I’ve used when asked what my biggest weakness was, is “impatience”.

It sounds like a character flaw but to most businesses it’s attractive.

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One to watch out for but listening to David Lammy earlier there’s apparently a passage in the governments well thought out report (sarcasm) about rewriting history with regard to the UK’s involvement in the slave trade.

Pretty appalling stuff. Yet again I find myself guilty of thinking that this government couldn’t go any lower only to be surprised, all over again.


Here’s the full report for anyone interested.



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Presumably not because he’s no longer needed…


What I find is that the commissioners of the UK’s report seems to be quite a diverse range of people covering a pretty broad ethnic background. And yet this is what they’ve come up with?

Does anyone think that’s just a little odd?


These are the members of the Race Commission who have produced this report.

I don’t think it’s odd but what I am seeing is that a lot of their report is being mischaracterised.

Maybe. I need to go through it but given the level of anger and upset its caused I honestly have my doubts.