Racism and all the bad -isms

The point is that for the ruling classes, all their underlings, the ones in their sweatshops, the ones they send to war, black or white, are on the same level, therefore the expression white nigger (sorry, but it’s unavoidable in context).
That’s what is being expressed. It is in no way a slur on non white skinned people. It’s an attack on prevailing power structures, as powerful now as when it was written.


Hmmm. I’d always taken it as a reference to the Irish…as in no skin of anyone’s nose if a squaddie inadvertently kills one of the conquered population, but I see your interpretation and see the relevance of the specific word choice in that case. I think it still doesn’t change though that this isnt a new controversy and is something he’s been fighting since the release of the song 40 years ago.

Its what they called the members of the Royal Irish Regiments of the British Army…


Can’t believe I missed the Chappelle discussion…o wells.

It’s a damn shame where he has ended up.

It just wasn’t funny, nor insightful, and tbh, I couldn’t be more disappointed at the current grift it has turned into. Like I said, a damn shame…some of his recent work was the best he’s ever done…look up the four times I met OJ Simpson bit.

Anyways, cancel culture my arse.

WOW that this is still a thing!


If you believe the bible to be the actual word of god, discriminating against gay men is one of the LEAST things you should be doing.


When they’ve run out of actual ideas, this is all they have left.

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was the death pencil the vendor?

You’d be surprised. I’m an Estate Agent and as many of you will know, mixed race. I signed an Offer to Purchase with a black purchaser for a property over the weekend, white Afrikaans owner born in the 50’s. Competing offer from another agent, a white agent with a white purchaser is also in. Ours is palpably better in any sense that an Offer to Purchase can be; guarantee of funds, same purchase price but lower commission so more in the sellers back pocket, no special conditions (the tiles were broken on certain places and the competing offer stipulated that the seller would repair before registration).

In essence, my clients offer would have gotten the seller the equivalent of about 10-15k pounds more in his back pocket. The seller chose the other offer.

The state of this miserable bastard and his followers in the thread. Bent out of shape because there’s one black actor in a cast otherwise full of white actors.

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Lordy do I regret looking at that.

Heart breaking mess we’re in.

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I was meeting Mrs in town a few years ago and this tool was talking in public. From as far away as I could hear, I did listen for interest sake. He had a milkshake thrown at him.

Waste of a high quality beverage I thought. Nuking the crowd was the better idea, you know that thing about stereotypes?

This isn’t Tommy Robinson-Yaxley-Lennon or whatever his name is if that’s who you’re thinking. Unfortunately these idiots have multiplied.

Mea culpa, just saw tommy and a complaint about black people.

Oh, all Tommys look alike to you?


There must be some deep level of humour here that eludes me.

Yeah, Tommy is not his real name. Where and why I’ve no idea. I was reading the other week that he owes damages to some poor kid he spread falsehoods about resulting in him and his family having to move home. He’s also being investigated for bankruptcy fraud with assets allegedly hoarded away somewhere.

He sounds like a horrible bloke with some really dark connections.

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The game should have been up on that cunt when him and his mob caused the collapse of the Bradford grooming trial (in my view intentionally) and then used the fact that the defendants had evaded justice (because of them) to stoke further racial tension