Racism and all the bad -isms

Odd you didn’t tag me in, might have missed this. Next time it’s raining outside, I’m not putting a coat on (despite getting soaked) until I’ve checked the Met Office’s forecast. And the BBC’s and several other peer reviewed and affiliated sources. Of course I might have hypothermia by then but at least it’s based on unequivocal evidence. I’ll need 3 second opinions to confirm that it is hypothermia but by then I’ll be dead anyway. How many pathologists would you like to do the autopsy?

I wish I had so much doubt about my own senses and experiences such that I didn’t trust them. Would be wonderful. Apparently.

Always flies first class does your man Mr Lee, always turns left.

@Klopptimist (is that better), I have no idea what that post was about :man_shrugging:


That’s Zoolander

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Hurtful, right? Thanks for sharing.

Do you ever wish that some of the “fans” that “follow” our club would fuck off back into the crevice from whence they crawled?

The club put this tweet on this morning:

I’ve no problem with that at all. We have quite a few Jewish fans, we have had Jews playing for the club and Liverpool has a significant and welcome Jewish community. As far as I am concerned we are an open door club and anyone who buys into the ethos of the club is welcome.

The replies to that thread are appalling. It’s all antisemitic shite, almost as if they have been lying in wait for it. Much of it is by rival “fans” but some of it is from those claiming to support us. Possibly they aren’t originally from Liverpool but that doesn’t stop them besmirching the name of the club.

FWIW I’ve reported the replies to Bundesministerium der Justiz in Germany as I live here and I really don’t have to put up with that crap but I suspect they will only be able to firewall it off from here.

Sorry if that was a bit of a rant. I fucking despair for humanity at times.


Not a rant at all @RedWhippet. Stuff like this needs calling out wherever it crops up. Not saying anything gives the perpetrators a sense of legitimacy in their own minds. The tweet is obviously aimed at the Jewish section of our fanbase. A nice touch from the club, who I’ve also known to message other sections of fans on other religious festivals. I hope they keep doing it. :nerd_face:


Twitter represents humanity at its absolute worst. I’m not sure our species can survive it.


A lot of these problems are linked to education - and not just whether you get ten million A-stars. It is about teaching children how to live and what are our (humanities) common core values are. It doesn’t have to be preachy and (hopefully) better qualified people than me can construct how it can be put across and applied. The only (ONLY) issue is that this has to be driven through universally, i.e. worldwide. Of course this is not going to happen, not even in the UK, but it should. Education is clearly not that huge of an issue in this country but it should be - not just for the government but also for the people. Just because you spend money, does not fix the problem. Achieving and citing higher numbers of As or A*s is not the way forward.

We should not prioritise competition and labels over education of individuals.


10 years ago I would have told you it was an online phenomenon of people just out for the bantz that comes from outraging people with posts designed to shock and cause upset. Racism in this manifestation is the natural ally of dead baby jokes and it’s often the same people doing them.

However, what is the saying about becoming the person you pretend to be? I think so many people have been so deep in 4chan culture that they don’t have an off switch anymore and now enough people are exposed to it that it’s infected people who have never even heard of then Chans.

In Florida we have a governor who is just awful. His politics are gross, but he’s also just so mean spirited and has a comms teams who are indistinguishable from 4Chan trolls. I have a friend who gets really upset by it and so yesterday I shared Lilly Allen’s Fuck You with her as something to think about whenever she encounters more upsetting news about DeSantis’ antics. As soon as I did it a sadness hit me. The song was written in 2008 as an Anti-Bush song for him on his way out of the white house and at the time the target was pretty obvious. Now, some 14 years later if you came across it for the first time you’d have no idea who it would be about. It’s a sad indictment of the path we’ve been on in that time.


Just read that Mark Hammil and Ben Shapiro had a bit of a Twitter spat following some new laws passed in Florida on children and gay identity or something

Worth looking up I think

Hamill has long been a fairly outspoken advocate of socially “liberal” causes and somehow found himself involved in local florida politics after the Pulse shootings. As such he finds himself in twitter spats with right wing trolls quite often. This was fairly standard cause for both Hamill and for Shaprio (making bad faith arguments about what the bill actually would do)

Opinion piece on CBC.ca by Babatunde Omotoye, an immigration consultant based in Toronto

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an ignorant article by an immigrant who lacks deep knowledge of some of our Canadian heritage, summarized by this paragraph:

“*** On December 2, 1991, Canada became the first western country to recognize Ukraine’s independence. Both countries have enjoyed a close relationship since then. This brings up the question: Could Canada’s disposition toward Ukraine be a result of the buoyant relationship they both enjoy? Or perhaps these gestures toward Ukraine aren’t particularly triggered by the relationship of both parties, but because it’s a non-African country which is at the receiving end of the current violence and destruction.***”

OR, the fact is:

Canada has the largest concentration of Ukrainian ancestry in the world, outside of Ukraine itself. Until this current military invasion, anyways.

I sometimes wonder how many Russians are being emigrated to other countries in the world through this process, and to what ends to Putin’s regime it’s happening.

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Arguing that Canada’s position on Ukraine is due to the high number of Ukrainian immigrants doesn’t undercut his suggestion that racism is in play.

It doesn’t explain the entirety of the difference in response, and I also think that in a lot of ways it is natural to feel compelled to do more the more the people suffering seem like you. But this isnt necessarily the right thing, and there are lots of times that our gut instincts lead us to the wrong place and require us to take time to second guess them. That’s why it is important for these sorts of pieces to remind of these sorts of things.

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If you were going to try and absorb 50,000 immigrants into Canada in a year, from which demographic are going to be successful in the environment to which they are being introduced?

Sudan, Syria, or Ukraine? Which demographic is going to be the least impact on the economic structure which will have to support them if they cannot find work or integrate into society?

They are refugees.

As for why Ukrainians would take to refugee life in Canada better than the others I actually have no idea and that seems to be the sort of statement that should be supported by some sort of argument.