Racism and all the bad -isms

James Patterson, the latest victim of racism.
Thoughts and prayers James x

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My advice is that you add it onto your list. You’ll be covered when we invade.


I’ve already got the surname so I’m ready for my assimilation

Does this thread include cunt-ism?

If so, I wish to add this cunt

I thought he just got you guys to the World Cup?

He did, but acted the cunt befoe each penalty, so whilst he was the penalty hero last night, he is still a cunt

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The struggle is real*.

*It’s not.

If I was a golfer being offered that Saudi money, I’d take it and then go and hire a gay caddy, make sure I was wearing rainbow stuff, put other LGBTQ insignias on the bag and then any time someone put a microphone in front of my face go and talk about social causes they dont like (I had the best uber driver this morning. She was great. Isnt it great when women are allowed to drive?).

Put the Saudis in the difficult situation of either paying you to promote these things or face the bad press of rescinding your invitation to the tour.


Not sure if this is the right place, but it’s “cancel culture” related so


Workers at Space X drafted a letter critical of Musk’s public behavior and seemingly canvassed the entire company to see who was willing to sign on to it. The organizers of that effort have now been fired. I think you can reasonably argue there is good cause for termination, not as punishment for speaking out, but the way they did it. But then Im not bleating about twitter censoring people.

Could be ‘Billionaire Baloney’ related.

Of course Musk’s love of free speech suddenly evaporates when it comes to criticism of him.


Course it does. He a fucking manbaby.

Head of the French FA has reopened a wound by claiming Mbappe was close to quitting the french side due to distress of missing a crucial penalty in their loss to the Swiss last summer. Mbappe has responded by saying he was indeed considering quiting but it was because of the racial abuse he got after missing the penalty and the complete lack of response to that from the French FA, who doubled down saying there is no racism in french football.

For Mbappé read Saka, Sancho and Rashford although I think the FA’s response, and that of the wider public, was pretty good. Just pathetic that such abhorrent behaviour continues to exist in society.


Yeah, fans are twats but the issue here is not so much the overt racism of the fans, but the covert racism of the guys in suits. They heard Mbappe’s complaint and then decided his stated reason for the considerations he was having were wrong and created their own explanation for it. Had they kept that behind closed doors it would awful. They have now made it even worse by going public with it in a way that demeans him.


On this note…a Q I want to throw out there. Should trans women/men have an obligation to tell unsuspecting partners about their original gender?

I think the question needs better definition - there’s a big difference between pulling someone in a nightclub/having sex/dating/getting married and my opinion would be different at different points and for different reasons and also depends on pre/post op.

Would this be an issue if children were grown in vats rather than in other humans?

I curious as to when countries with declining populations (declining fertility, migration or just because they can) will turn to this.

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What sort of obligation? Legal, moral? What other confessions should be obligatory? Past religion, medical/drug history, lost children/parents, financial records, political allegiances, dodgy adolescent music taste?

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Well, these are the hypotheticals but I’d argue some hold more of a moral obligation to disclose than others, depending on the relevance to the particular relationship.

I note that posters are not answering the question, but posing questions in response.

Maybe I should watch the Crying Game again.