Religion in all its Forms

Not sure about this one unless they’re communicating via dark matter or gravitational waves. Not sure if there is anything else. Is there?

Everything else is basically a form of light which over distance gets red shifted so we’re basically doing the right things already I’d say.

In the universe, yes. But in our galaxy, perhaps not.

On earth, certainly not. So long and thanks for all the fish.

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Already heard about the stunning intelligence of octopi?

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Thoroughly recommend “My Octopus Teacher” on Netflix.


I saw it. Brilliant! :+1:t2:


Been on my watchlist for a while. I’ll give it a whirl.

I’m reminded of the fairly recent sci-fi film, Arrival. The intelligent alien species were octopuses.

Nearly spat my tea when I read this, having just watched Charlie Sheen’s “the Arrival”. Not quite at the same level as the one you’ve mentioned.

fantastic show.

It seems a lot of people here, as elsewhere, lean towards a form of pantheism:

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Thanks for posting this, mate.

Everything is God, and God is everything.

That definition, as old as philosophy itself, suits me just fine. :blush: :+1:

The words of the poetess Elisabeth Barrett Browning right at the end are wonderful and express a lot of what I feel these days:

Earth is crammed with Heaven, and every common bush is aflame with God. But only they who see take off their shoes. The rest sit round and pluck blackberries.

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Frankie: Jesus said… the Kingdom of God is inside you , and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood… and I am there, lift a stone… and you will find me.

Apparently God is a DJ. With often questionable taste, if you ask me.

Only for the Faithless.


Good, very good.

When you could have just ignored my lame pop culture reference joke, you decided to explain it instead. Well played :pensive:

I think its impressive that a @cynicaloldgit would know!


Need to have a

“stop stop , this thread is already dead” gif here

like this?

The Simpsons GIF