The bible is man-made, thus you’ll find contradictions, idiocies, ruthless violence and ignorance, and also some highly intriguing and in part wonderful stories. What makes it worse, it was written by countless people over a period of thousands of years. It was re-written and re-re-written, and should be seen as a fascinating mish-mash of all kinds of testimonies, phantasms and stories, mingled with the obligatory politically correct added into the text throughout the centuries.
Anyone trying to take the bible by the word would end up in a psychiatric hospital. Same applies for the Koran or other big religious writings. Thus, people will select parts of their liking, and ignore the rest, as @Mascot said above.
What I also find interesting is that some seem to have lost their faith because they couldn’t conceal the idea of a loving God and the suffering of children. Well, who is to say that God is actually kind? I always tend to think that if there is something like a god, he must be far away from what we’d wish he was, more equal to life, or actually, life itself: wonderful and absolutely frightening at the same time.
Trying to impose a moral norm on life is very human, but not very Godly I’m afraid…
Matter of fact: life is manyfold and contains cruelty and love, suffering and ecstasy at the same time. It’s in the fabric of the thing. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that there is no divine force at work.
For me, if there is something like divinity, it is like a force, a magnetic field, an electric current, a water-stream. Something like that. Always with me, in a very impersonal way, but influencing me all the time, with a purpose. Of course, I’m far too ignorant to understand the full extent of that purpose and have to accept this.
Alternatively, there is nothing. Everything is just haphazard and completely devoid of any sense.