Religion in all its Forms

It’s the korma.

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Howling! You are the Indian @cynicaloldgit. I couldn’t pay a higher compliment and I hope you take it as such.


The better & younger version for sure. No ageist drivel you’ll hear from me.

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people in particular who aren’t fuckwits ?

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One out of two ain’t bad.

As Meatloaf didn’t sing.

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So, some people are fuckwits, others aren’t.

It’s hardly a groundbreaking revelation.

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You say that, but I had a complaint upheld at my kids school when junior came home saying the vicar who visited told them that disabled people were being punished by god for their sins.


Begs the question as to what sins a foetus can commit.


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You’ve clearly reached that conclusion after one look in the mirror.

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That is appalling that a vicar would say that. He is supposed to be a representative of the Christian faith, and it doesn’t teach any such thing. In fact, the very question was once asked of Jesus, why is he like this - is it because he sinned or his parents sinned, and Jesus said neither had sinned. The vicar seems out of step with that, and as such, his answer is unloving.

No wonder the Church of England is declining rapidly if its representatives are like that.


bleh. I laugh at your pathetic attempt of oneupmanship. You have much to learn in the ways of the dark side.


It was actually the first thing i learnt after meeting COG


I was under the impression that Christian teaching is that all children come from god and were created and designed by him?

Shit designer, in the words of The Hulk “Puny God”

Evidently you’re learning isn’t upto scratch.


27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

I’m sure a theologist would absolutely take this to pieces and explain why it means something diametrically opposed to what it actually says. As ever.

So much hypocrisy over religion.

Grow up never going to church.

Meet the man or woman of your dreams.

Arrange the biggest bestest church wedding ever.

Spend the next 40 or 50 years never going to church.

Have the most beautiful church service at your funeral.

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You missed the bit (or so I have been told by my sister in England):

Attend church regularly until your children have gained entry to the “good school” and never go again.


First line of my funeral plan (was bored on a flight once)

No mention of god and no church. Very Sharpe Ep 01.