Russian War Crimes (Part 1)

Usually they are taken out in artillery barrages. This has been the case previously.

It’s not sabotage, pilots are valuable. They just have shitty parachutes. This has happened a lot lately. That they just fall down and die:

I’ve been thinking about getting a large SUV. Probably larger than I really need. Perhaps I’m overcompensating?

How small does your dick have to be to want to invade Ukraine? Putin clearly a dickless wonder.

Bombardment in Mariupol:


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I was half thinking we should head to Ukraine. You can get a group carrier, I’ll grab a tank. And we can be paid for it.

How is your farmer disguise?

Thanks to you, I’ve got a shit load of refrigerated trucks that could come in handy.

@ISMF1 can we please have a really fucking angry reaction emoji?

I’m finding this side of the story fascinating. I’m currently reading “Midnight in Chernobyl” which is a factual account of what happened that horrible night. Interestingly it covers the political landscape and nuances that were in play when the plant was built etc.

It seems we are seeing the very same thing going on here with Russia’s military equipment. Basically the whole system is founded on lies and quicksand.

Also a flat cap I believe. Good to go then.

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Optimistic but may be true:



And a shotgun.

I was actually looking into getting a satellite phone.

Russian communications security has bordered on non-existent. In some cases, they have been relying on using encrypted cell phone systems, having taken out the transmission towers themselves. So they have been relaying one another’s locations on open channels. Doesn’t take much to use a spotter drone for fire control once you know there is a high value target there.