Russian War Crimes (Part 1)

I will look for something with subtitles
Edit, only thing i found out is that this video might be some weeks old. So nothing to worry, right? :wink:

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Apparently they just left the city, weird

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Retaliation for Israeli killings of 2 IRGC colonels. Israel kills Iranians in Syria quite often, this time they killed important people. Israel as usual a Chaos Factor that increases risk for it allies with its reckless aggression. SInce Iran cannot strike Israel directly without escalation, it strikes US targets outside the US. This will also escalate things, but less than if they had struck back at Israel.


Seemingly a massive aerial strike om multiple settlements simultaneously

Really good and interesting read.

The only cool postage stamp ever to have been released?

J/kā€¦philatelists please donā€™t philet me.

Very informative thread about the Kyiv region

Unconfirmed butā€¦

It seems that a military area 20 km from Poland was specifically bombed. Apparently the Russians suspected that weapons supplies were being delivered there. At least thatā€™s what i heard in our news.

Thatā€™s really close to Nato.

This is beginning to look like some dystopian nightmare now. Surreal.

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20km from Polandā€¦ One mistake and we bit goodbye to civilisation

I think recent events lend support to the argument that we donā€™t really have one.


Being honest I have to wonder when rather than if other nations really get involved.

Part of me has been thinking for a while that it will be once Ukraine has spent all its resources weakening the Russian army for the West to then intervene with the benefit of massively superior force.

Iā€™ve been wondering if thereā€™s a red line somewhere that if crossed all hell breaks loose. But then I see that the EU have opened the doors to Ukraine membership which feels like an invite to get involved. Bit like WWE tag team.

I must admit that I am glad that the US has thus far stayed pretty passive.

Itā€™s a desperate situation and it calls for severe compromise on both sides to prevent catastrophic escalation.
What about Russia gets Donetsk and Luhansk. They become part of Russia.
The rest of Ukraine becomes a NATO and EU member.

A lot of people will argue that itā€™s rewarding Russian aggression, but their primary goal was to prevent NATO and EU membership, so it would be a big compromise for them too. The end game has to be something like that because Russia will not be defeated militarily, and Ukraine will not be subjugated. Therefore both sides will have to give something.
It may take another 10 years and countless lives lost until we get to this point, but why not skip to the end?


I met a pretty high level US army guy once. His stance was that regular wars and foreign skirmishes help to cull the useless in society (grunts) who joined the army and meant a health arms manufacturing business. At the time I assumed he was pissed and taking the piss. Years later Iā€™m not so sure.

Thatā€™s the Military Industrial Complex. In one.