So working in this context then ? Because Zusammen is together and I also see schaffen together.
Wir scaffen zusammen, nicht alein. We are working together, not alone. Wir schaffen zusammen, sieben tage lang. We are working together, seven days all day.
Correct ?
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Tysken min er eksepsjonellt dårleg, men skulle kunne greie å lese ei avis, vil eg tru. Ville nok ha fortsått 80-90 prosent eller så…
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Salt needed. Unconfirmed. There must be significant forces there though.
Note on his info:
Russians hold probably more than 50% of the city, it’s a long time since they broke into the city.
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I don’t know what say about that except, the guy with the glasses and beard, needs a good beating.
Total madness. Don’t they understand that nuclear war means the end of humanity?
Who’ll give a fuck about their stupid corridors when we’re all fried?
How did the lunatics take over the asylum?