Russian War Crimes (Part 1)

at the end of the video, definitely shows them shooting the prisoners in the leg. no denying that.

Two sides of the war is very aptly put. Russia is sending Ukrainian POW’s to Siberia, rumor has it?

two wrongs don’t make a right, but tell that to those UA soldiers whos communities are being destroyed by these fellas.

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So Russia are Burnley?

I doubt this video is real, why should Ukrainians film themselves shooting at prisoners??? This is absurd and propaganda imo. In contrast, there are countless videos of prisoners calling their families etc.

We should be very careful when it comes to videos of this kind.


It does seem like that but think back, for example, to US troops abusing Iraqi POWs at Abu Ghraib and posting the pictures online. I think there, orders had been given that they could use torture. Those that think they are free to carry out human rights abuses are probably not bright enough to realise that posting incriminating evidence of it is unwise.

Having said that, I think you are right to question the veracity of that evidence.


It could be real, it could be not. It is hard to say. It is indeed something very strange to film to put it mildly and we have that supposed order to fabricate just such videos. It should certainly not be treated as a fact.


This is ridiculous propaganda , meanwhile they call them “the TikTok troops” because they’re filming themselves shooting at empty buildings etc.


I definitely agree with this. I’ve refrained from taking names on this but I think i’ve made the point clear on why India needs to ensure their energy security. I don’t expect @Magnus to respond to the reply that i’ve sent to him though. I clearly understand and can sympathize with his perspective but … I’d really like a reply to my points raised.

I haven’t seen your reply. Sometimes, if several people at once replies to me, I don’t get individual notifications. I am not ignoring you.
Please direct me to your reply. Then I’ll respond later. Now I am off to watch a movie with a friend.

@Magnus , this one. Please check on the ones which i’ve quoted to


I’ll reply later when I have read it. I promise.



Its in Russia, close to Kharkiv, near the border. Another False Flag or sabotage perhaps?


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