Saudi Pro League and Sportswashing Projects

There was an article a while ago where the consulate neighbours noticed that those at the consulate decided to have a barbecue the day after his murder- an activity they had never conducted in prior to that day - they believe to mask the smell of the body parts being incinerated…

And this is why the false equivalence of WMDs/Bush/Blair is just annoying. Absolutely no-one here stands against Saudi citizens, or British or American citizens. I would think based on previous comments here on the subject, 98% of people on this forum strongly disagrees with the war on Iraq, maybe even a majority of forumites disagreed with it before it even began, without the benefit of hindsight.

Sure, by British and American standards, those on here would probably be pretty politically moderate, and both Blair and Bush won (much slimmer) election majorities after the war, but I am not certain there would be many on here that voted for either after the Iraq war started.

EDIT: Fucking refresh took this post to the Fab thread even after having just been reading the off-top thread! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: I’ve moved it to here.