Saudi Pro League and Sportswashing Projects

Look everyone, here’s a thread in which to discuss sports washing and moral dilemmas in relation to the Saudi league.

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There was an article a while ago where the consulate neighbours noticed that those at the consulate decided to have a barbecue the day after his murder- an activity they had never conducted in prior to that day - they believe to mask the smell of the body parts being incinerated…

And this is why the false equivalence of WMDs/Bush/Blair is just annoying. Absolutely no-one here stands against Saudi citizens, or British or American citizens. I would think based on previous comments here on the subject, 98% of people on this forum strongly disagrees with the war on Iraq, maybe even a majority of forumites disagreed with it before it even began, without the benefit of hindsight.

Sure, by British and American standards, those on here would probably be pretty politically moderate, and both Blair and Bush won (much slimmer) election majorities after the war, but I am not certain there would be many on here that voted for either after the Iraq war started.

EDIT: Fucking refresh took this post to the Fab thread even after having just been reading the off-top thread! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: I’ve moved it to here.


It’s weird how you can be so reasonable on every topic other than cricket :wink:

I’d like to think you’re an equal opportunity hater.

shake it off taylor swift GIF

No idea what you meant. I don’t actually hate any people.

They have succeeded in making the most powerful nation on earth their bitch.
No mean feat.



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Well done Rafa :laughing:

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Oooh didn’t know he signed at Celta!


I strongly disagreed with the Iraq invasion beforehand and , apart from registering my disgust by voting Lib Dem in 2005 , I’ve never voted since. I came to the conclusion that if politicians were prepared to lie about the reasons for going to war then they would lie to you about anything.

As far as the Saudis go , I honestly wouldn’t care if they were invaded tomorrow and as for the argument that ‘we’ve got nothing against the citizens’ , oftentimes these repulsive regimes only survive with the tacit support of the people , and in SA’s case they are actually bought off with a monthly payment. They are complicit in the regime’s horrors as far as I’m concerned.

Agreed. I would welcome the overthrow of the carpet rolling cunts.

“All politicians are the same”

Having actually met some commoner Saudis, and growing up in a country with less repressive media but still rather authoritarian, I think you need to grow up or live there long-term to understand how difficult resistance is, and how it’s often not even a possibility in the heads of people.

It’s so easy to say they could do something, it’s the same argument about Syrian refugees. “Why don’t they stay in their country and fight for it”, it’s easy to say that when you’re not the one having to make those choices, when you’re not the one living in that environment.


Oh really , how about I just remain this age and voice my opinion instead ?

And it’s not the same for Syrian refugees. In fact there is absolutely no comparison to be made.

“I think you need to grow up [there] or live there”.


I think this is worth people’s time to understand the relatively modern shift to such a conservatively religious place

The through 60s and 70s Saudi was modernizing at a fairly rapid rate. This story tells how the King was essentially forced to cede his power to the clerics in a deal he struck to get them to support his use of military force to clear this hostage crisis. The people of Saudi then found themselves living in a completely different country in the aftermath


It’s incredible to think that all the convulsions that have engulfed the muslim world in recent years , and their consequences for the rest of us , can basically be traced back to the actions of one deranged man , Juhayman al-Otaybi , who in his delusions believed that his brother was the incarnation of the mahdi , the guy whose appearance would portend judgement day and the end of the world.

Thanks for posting that. It’s something I remember vaguely from the time but really didn’t understand its significance.

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Having actually met some (low level) elite Saudis, they are spineless hypocrites happy to indulge in excess regardless of morality or legality in the UK while simultaneously aggressively prosecuting the slightest perceived infringements all while claiming ‘outsiders cannot judge’ the repression and authoritarianism they support at home.