Saudi Pro League and Sportswashing Projects

History often turns on the smallest of men or smallest of actions.

It’s why for every Hitler, Stalin and so on their are a million and one people whose actions can change the world for both good and evil.


That’s actually part of what I’m referencing. Most people don’t get to be free-thinkers. When you’re in such an oppressive media and cultural environment, what else do you know about how to live? Not to mention all the victimhood complex being built up in the media about being attacked by foreigners. Don’t need to look so far at Saudi Arabia, just look at Russia.

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These guys were doing PhDs at Cambridge and subsequently chose to live in the UK. They had far more agency than the majority of the UK population - you can’t just shoot everything home to their environment. Basically the elite in Saudi just doesn’t care while they perceive the system - carpet rolling and public executions included - favours them and allows them such lavish largess. They are disgusting and sports washing is designed to protect their hypocrisy from challenge while they foul and corrupt western society. They deserve to be called out in the most visceral ways.

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After the whole Fab dog weirdness;
It’s like Salvador Dali, Maradona and Hitler had a three way. The resulting baby is this fucking freak show.

This was one of the events that ensured Saudi Arabia stayed an authoritarian state.

The assassination of King Faisal in 1975
The Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979
Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990
September 11 attacks in 2001

Each of those necessitated stricter control and surveillance to ensure security and stability.

Marco Silva has turned down the £40 million offer from Al Ahli.


I’m confused, so are the people you spoke to the commoners, or the elite?

I seriously doubt these figures. How much does Silva earn now, £10m, max? So £15-20m would be very lucrative for him. Why would someone offer double of that?

You do often seem confused - have you sought help? :wink: They were elite in the sense of coming from a very wealthy connected background but outside of the extended ruling family. And as they were in the same PhD program as my then girlfriend, we socialised on several occasions so we were well versed in their hypocrisy.

Mbappe should take the money and run, especially if the number is true (700 million euro for 12 months)

I don’t get these figures, Independent says £700k for a year-long contract, which is obviously a typo of some kind as that’s about two-weeks’ of his PSG salary.

But £700m for a season makes no sense either, what’s that, about £12m per week?

Is the offer actually £700k per week?

700 million boss

I’d bet that this is money-laundering at a very, very big scale.

Ben Jacobs


Al-Hilal have submitted a €300m world record-bid to sign Kylian Mbappe, as revealed by

. PSG have given Mbappe permission to talk. As exclusively revealed, it’s a one-year offer of €700m after which Mbappe could leave for Real Madrid.

No idea, that’s what Sky Sports are reporting.

Saudi Arabia will facilitate Kylian Mbappé’s move to Real Madrid in 2024.

They understand the impact of having the 24-year old in the country for even a year would be huge.


Hold up hold up…lets not get carried away here. SSN are reporting that Spurs are also interested in Mbappe.

Happy Eddie Murphy GIF by Laff

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Is it any surprise that people who have profited handsomely from a particular social structure have no surprise to see it get dismantled? Just look all around the world.

Which is precisely the argument I was making when I said that your average Saudi (at least the Sunni ones) were acquiescent in their support of the regime because they are basically bought off.

Pretty much tells you everything you need to know about this league.

It’s not about building a top league it’s about being able to structure football from afar. Very much like LIV.