Saudi Pro League and Sportswashing Projects

PSG have accepted the offer of £259 million for Mbappe.

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go get that money young man!

Ha ha, what a shitshow. This sport is royally fucked


Will they offer 150m for Mo now?

Thing is why would you want to go there?

Probably got more chance of winning the CL here and we aren’t in it this year.

I feel Salah may go next summer but I do think he is focused 100% on this season ahead and leaving on a high.

For a player who has often been accused of looking for a way out he seems quite content to stay more than many others.

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Of course MH, but that won’t stop the rumours

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Somebody make the numbers make sense…

Math What GIF by Riki Barker

Super rich country, wants to bid for a player owned by a super rich country to make him a super richer footballer and then allowing him to go to another super rich football club that is backed financially by the central government if things are a bit tight for them…for nothing in 12 months time.

Numbers do not matter when geo politics and favours are concerned …basically they want to impress the world so they can be the hosts for the best world cup ever (even better than the previous best world cup ever , which was shit)…because they know infantino is incorruptible and therefore will have to show the world and FIFA how much football means a lot to them

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Does anyone remember the Kevin Spacey film, The Life of David Gale? It’s about a group of death penalty abolitionists who create a scenario that demonstrates the issues of an innocent man being put to death.

This Saudi spending is looking a little like that. Like they believe an entity like PIF coming into football and spending big money the game in general cannot sustain is really bad, but know the authorities are asleep at the wheel and the only way action will be taken is to spend and spend and spend until the authorities have their hand forced.

They won’t build whole squads with international superstars, will they? Four or five at best. Three of them 30+ years old. One bigger injury an career over.

Like I said. No return of invest. How many super expensive players will they be able to bring in?

Their own homegrown players League One level at best.

Looking forward to see what Mbappe will do. Going to Paris didn’t really help him in winning the Ballon D‘Or. Fucked up his character/mentality/ceiling.

One or two years in the Arab Amateur league and he’s done.

Will it, really?

Can’t see many fans of teams in the traditional leagues suddenly ditching them and follow Al Decapitation FC. (except maybe for the Man City “fans”).

I’d actually rather SA buy up chunks of talent and take them to the middle east rather than disrupt the traditional leagues like we’re seeing in England with Man City and Newcastle and in France with P.S.G.


It’s not about fans or making money. Hundreds of millions is nothing to them. The crank the price of a barrel of oil by $1.50 and they make their money back in a few days.

They care about adding legitimacy and greasing the right wheels so that they can get more people on boards of directors that matter with the goal of helping people look the other way on their human rights abuses. The concept of “sportswashing” has never been about making money, it’s about gaining enough power through legitimizing their involvement in these sports so that their cultural misdeeds will be glossed over. The money is irrelevant. They get enough big sports stars to say how great SA or the UAE or Qatar is and before long no-one cares about their treatment of women and gays beyond the people who actually pay attention to those things.

If big name players can go there and make millions while still getting picked for their national teams, they’ll do it.



Sorry, I can’t watch football in winter unless it’s raining. I don’t care who goes to that league.


20 Jun

Just seems to me to be an elaborate way of money laundering

Said the same a while back in the owners thread, definitely something iffy going on…seriously need the fa to fuck off city and Newcastle and show some backbone…because FIFA and uefa are shite and we all know the premier league won’t do fuck all

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But you’re talking about the elites, who aren’t exactly the average Saudi, are they?

No , I was talking about average Saudi citizens. In your original response to me.

" as for the argument that ‘we’ve got nothing against the citizens’ , oftentimes these repulsive regimes only survive with the tacit support of the people "

Glad to see he’s got off to such a great start.

They’ve just got to learn to ask for the ball

At this rate he’ll be sacked before Jordan gets there