Saudi Pro League and Sportswashing Projects

That would be fucking hilarious

Yes, but your average Saudi citizen isn’t going to be doing a PhD in Cambridge, are they? There are millions of Saudis who aren’t elite enough to be doing so, and they wouldn’t be the ones exposed to foreign media or cultures. That’s who I’m talking about.

I think the misunderstanding here is that you’re talking specifically about the royal family and related people when you’re talking about elites, which to be fair is quite a large number of people, but I’m talking more like the 1% of the population who are on top, royal or not.

The rest of the people, the average Saudi citizen, is unlikely to have that benefit.

I thought I was clear! I specifically said they were

My characterisation as elite

surely fits squarely within the top 1%? I can only presume you are confused because you have been conflating statements from different posters.


They are interested in having the power to disrupt, was the same with LIV

Somewhere for all the has beens to live?

My apologies, that is probably the case.

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So, Glass Ceiling wasn’t enough; now there’s Glass Wall too.

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It’s an interesting concept, and appears to have some good ideas within it.

Don’t think I’d want to live in a long thin lego piece though.

I think it’s environmental vandalism on top of their hydrocarbon pollution. Just another disgusting thing from there


I wonder what the views would be if this were a scheme proposed in say the US or Australia.

Just to be clear - I said it had some interesting concepts and ideas - I’m fully aware it has a lot of drawbacks too.

Didn’t they build a Silicon Valley no one wanted to move to?

No different. It’s a completely shite idea regardless where it is. However it could never even be proposed in say the US or Oz because those countries (like most of the rest of the world) don’t have trillionaire dictators thinking that the laws of engineering and the realities of finance and the environment don’t actually apply to them. This exact attitude is why ultimately they will piss up all the oil money and end up back as desert camel herders in 150 years.

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Why are you always so angry and intense!!!

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I’m not. This scheme is just absolutely terrible and I won’t have someone insinuate I wouldn’t be against it if it was in US etc.

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For me, this project looks like the perfect nightmare. In comparison to this, Hitler’s project for ‘Germania’ looks like a nice normal city. Hell, even Terry Gilliam’s horrific visions for his film ‘Brazil’ are surpassed here.

Only a deeply ill mind could come up with such terrifying ideas. Seriously now, who in his right mind would like to live in such conditions? You’d have to be crazy to want to go there.


It will go ahead and be completed. But that’s not the worst part. It will be the playground of the rich, famous, and powerful people. Who will not only justify it, but will laud it as an epic human achievement.

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Saudi homegrown players are League Two level.

If every League Two team suddenly signs a Lascelles (29), a Jordan Henderson (33) and a Jamie Vardy (36) the league will still be shit.

Hendo still wanting to play for England is the most embarrassing thing I’ve read all summer.

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So a 170km line of 2 glass walls in the desert is going to require a fuck load of glass cleaning right?

Lucky for them they don’t need citizens to ask to go outside to clean the glass Silo-style as they should have a long line of slaves, homosexuals, blacks, unfaithful wives to do it for them, and the citizens should then all have an excellent view for the stonings of those cleaners taking place afterward.

Guess we have to wait for that 70-goal season.

You are 100% wrong. It won’t be built and your comments suggest you have been effected by their Sportswashing BS propoganda.