Season Comparison - 2022/23 v 2023/24

So how is little Kostas doing?


And how does that compare to last season?



Nice lot of green as was predicted by us, not the pundits!
It’s going to be difficult for the lads to produce so much green next season isn’t it?

If more depth is added and they are all relatively healthy for long stretches, it won’t be hard at all. We have a phenomenal team.

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It mostly depends on the fixture list. Get a few of those draws and losses from this season early in next season and hopefully we’ll cover the board in green.

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… and win the league … :partying_face:

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@Prolix, thank you for doing stellar work this season in this thread. Mind you, I absolutely loathed you after the Brighton draw and Leicester loss (it was obviously your fault) but it still doesn’t take anything away from the work you’ve done here.

Joking aside, people from the outside were quick to jump on Klopp’s and team’s back because they failed to win any of the top four matches but in the tradition of the finest Italian title-winning sides, lads didn’t lose any of them. Unfortunately, unlike those sides who would win every game against the other teams, it’s the draws against the likes of Brentford and Brighton that killed us and one of the most difficult Christmas fixtures lists that I remember.


I second @Nikola, congrats and thanks for your excellent job in this thread, mate! :+1:


May there be more green come next May.

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I think the most worrying thing is the regression of our xG…

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Das ist nicht gut.

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I already hate the guts of this thread.

Can you add this guy to the reaction buttons for this thread only??


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Urgh, that looks like someone has started urinating blood.

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By now it probably looks like someone’s lying in a pool of blood