Serie A Discussion

I always thought he was a massive bellend who has seen diminishing returns for a few seasons now.


Not surprised about Jose getting the boot,

He’s never lasted more than 3 years as a manager at any club

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His past couple of positions have felt like he is somewhere near the second year on his first day. He hits that destructive part of his cycle very quickly now, skipping past the part where he actually wins things. I guess Roma did win the Conference League, so not strictly true.

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I said ever diminishing returns, this guy would win titles, he’s now winning the conference league and league cups.


The mighty Roma has seen a grand total of 13 trophies won in their whole history, so winning the Conference wasn’t that bad. Lost to Sevilla (kings of EL) on penalties the following year.

Roma’s mission was probably for Mourinho to take them back in the CL though and closer to the top of the league. Be competitive, raise income, improve the squad, maybe even threaten the league if there’s a chance (and there was, there were 3 different champions, albeit arguably better prepared for a challenge).

Lots can be said also about Roma’s strategy from the top. When you look at their transfer moves and players that were/are there, it’s not really full of potential to attack the top. Mourinho did give some young players a chance and now they’re established first teamers.

Overall, it didn’t quite work out. He didn’t have to win a league, though he won a trophy, which a lot of Roma managers fail to do. But he had to qualify for the CL at least once. And then you look at the teams that are ahead of them this season…

He won CL with Porto and Inter Milan.

He’s won 3 trophies in 11 years.

League cup
Conference League
Europa League

Evidently diminishing returns as I said, yes he was a great manager for whatever reason since his father passed away and other issues he has never got that back, he hasn’t adapted with the game.

What’s the opposite of a silver lining in English language? Because that’s what it will be if Man City are stripped of their undeserved league titles and if one of these titles is subsequently awarded to Mourinho for when he coached Man United.

Can see him pushing for the Sandcastle job and he might reference the Bobby Robson connection as one of the reasons - The fans will adore him in the short term if he brings them silverware, and that will just feed his ego in the way he seems to enjoy

I think that is the heart of it. His period of real pre-eminence was as the Spanish style, ‘ultrapossession’ was emerging as dominant. Spain was at their peak, Barcelona was entering a period of dominance, and he offered a style that could counter that, robust counter play anchored by effective defence. In that sense, the apex of his career is probably that Inter CL win, quite possibly the semifinal win over Barca. But a lot of people in football started spending a lot of time thinking about beating Spain, and by 2014 having a style of play that could do that wasn’t that special anymore. In the game of paper-scissors-rock, he is firmly scissors, but everyone can do ‘scissors’ now, and he has never really shown much of an ability to coach ‘rock’ to an elite level. He’s good at solving a tactical problem that doesn’t get asked very much these days, he isn’t particularly good at solving the ones that do.

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Inter v Lazio playing Coppa D’Italia in Saudi. what the ffff…

I’m surprised our Charity Shield hasn’t been moved over there probably due to its timing though I did hear they wanted to move it a while back I wonder why?

Racist chanting incident at Udinese, AC Milan’s Maignan walked off the field. Unfortunately, he let in a soft goal minutes after returning to play, which is just going to encourage idiots fans who think they can get to him.

edit: after watching the highlights, it wasn’t as soft as it looked in real-time. Placement was perfect.

Some talk of Mourinho to Napoli.

He never was the same when his assistant left him (I think it was rui Faria)

Mark of a great manager is that they adapt to changing assistant managers , like Klopp.


Inter with only 10 league goals conceded so far, 50 scored.

17 conceded in 30 games in all competitions.



7:04 long when they could have just said “he’s a cunt” and saved 7 mins

900m :rofl: :rofl:


Looked for a little while that Roma would give Inter a game, but they are just so confident in Serie A now. That match up with Athletico is looking interesting.